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Ahong and the Musquito.

Supposey you make listen, my sing one piecee song,
My make he first-chop fashion about t'he glate Ahong;
He blavest man in China-side, or any side about;
My bettee you five dolla', hai! he blavest party out.
He only fightee 'skeeta', you tinkee t'hat not much.
No hab one Manchū Tartar t'hat káli fightee such.
My lather fightee dlagon t'hat killee állo dead;
T'hat 'skeeta' Ahong killee top-side he Empelor's head.
Ahong he pukkha baba no betta can look-see,
Ahong he first-chop swordman—no swordman hood like he;


He cuttee men like hair down; he tinkee állo fun:
Hab sword or hab got lazor—Ahong he Numpa One.
Man-man one peach-tlee floweree become one piecee peach,
Man-man one littee chilo get wisa' állo men teach;
You catch one piecee can do; some day it make you glate;
Ahong hab larn t'his lesson—to fightee, shave and wait.
My s'pose you tinkee tim much long to stop till bad luck past,
But one big piecee mountain he wind blow down at last;
“An' when by'mby you luck come,” I leed in olo song,
“You catch fitee as 'skeeta'”—for luck not waitee long.
Ahong he Empelo's baba'; one day t'hat come about
To shave he Chilo Heaven he takee lazor out,
But jist as he come pidgin top-side he holy head,
He make look-see one piecee ting t'hat állomost make he dead.
There come one kwei, one devil—no worsee devil be;
All-same one piecee 'skeeta' t'his devil he look-see.


Ahong no see before-tim one pidgin bad like it,
Light on he Empelo's head-side he 'skeeta' makee sit.
Jist t'hen Ahong he catch he chance—one tim of állo tim
One big Joss-pidgin-pidgin chance for állo likee him.
What ting you tink he makee—what ting you tinkee do?
He go for t'hat muskito—and cuttee light in two!
Can-be you s'pose he cham-tow —cut off he 'skeeta's head;
Ahong he savvy better t'han makee chop-chop dead,
He lazor flash like dlagon-fire light t'hloo t'hat 'skeeta' gay,
An' leave he legees standin' up while body fly away.
An' t'hen t'hat Chilo Heaven who savvy all t'hat pass
Top-sidee eart'h, hab look-see t'his (in one big lookee-glass);
He talk t'hat pidgin how-tak-tsei (t'hat meanee “velly hood”),
An' make Ahong a mandalin—which noble all he blood.


T'hat meaney blood before-tim as well as blood to come.
Man make t'his pidgin so-fashion in China land at home,
Suppose you catchee title—it no be plopa g'low,
To be gleater t'han you fáta or glanfáta—and so
T'hey makee állo noble, so-fashion t'hey make do;
T'hey pay you one hood pediglee long-side a title too,
You tink you catchee leason—my tinkee you look-see
All-same one piecee foolo-man, long-sidey one Chinee.
An' as he Empelo' tinkee Ahong be such a blick,
He makee pay t'hat barber his own fine walkee-stick;
So it blongey olo cutsom —which neva wailo way—
Allo baba' hab got stickee in China-side to-day.
Suppose you makee walkee in Canton or Whampo',
You állo-tim see baba'-man who catchee cane, galow,
My flin, when good tim come to do, don't makee stoppee long:
T'his my glate moral-pidgin of t'he stoly of Ahong.

Glate, great. The italic l throughout indicates r.

Káli, want, dare, care (C. V.)

Allo, all.

Pukkha, real or genuine.

Baba (papa, C. V.), barber.

Hood, good (C. V.)

Man-man, slowly.

Chilo, child.

Fitee! quick!


Cut off head.

Savvy, know


Hood, good.

Galow or galaw, a meaningless word, but much used.

Pay, give.

Cutsom, custom.

Wailo, go.

Flin, friend.