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I fear not death, but yet it gives me pain.
When the soft passion, of my soul, flows out,
In sweet remembrance of Amanda's love,
Whom I have left, where the swift Hudson's stream;
Circles the shady hills; left to the chance,
Of various war, and the rude Savage foe,
Who yet may penetrate, that happy clime,
And mix the mother's with the infant's blood.
Yes, sweet Amanda, soon disjoin'd in life,
And the connubial-cord, loos'd and cut off,
I must resign thee, to the will of Heaven.
The child unborn, that in thy womb thou bear'st,
Its father may not know, may never climb
The knee paternal, or call forth a smile,
From his fond countenance. To thee O God,
I leave my spouse, sweet children, and each friend,
That mourns behind. Shew them thy grace,
And tender mercy, in the walks of life,
And from its changes, rescue them at last,
To the fruition of thyself, in joy.