University of Virginia Library



The summer night is wooing;
“Come, come,” the lake is suing;
With tender gleam,
With witching beam,
“Here am I,”
Cries the beckoning half-moon in the sky.
The boat impatient waiting,
Our hearts within dilating,
Away, away,
In the mimic day,—
You and I,
And the silver half-moon in the sky.
From oar-blades, slowly dipping,
Fall drops in music slipping;
We are afloat


In charmèd boat,—
You and I,
And the magic half-moon in the sky!
For us the night wind's sighing,
The night-bird's soft replying;
The world 's our own,
We are alone,—
You and I,
And the silent half-moon in the sky.
And now, dissolved in dreaming,
The world is naught but seeming;
The shadowy woods
Reflect our moods,—
You and I,
And the dreamy half-moon in the sky.
Of time we take no noting,
Between the two worlds floating
Of soft ideal
And misty real,—
You and I,
And the mystic half-moon in the sky.


Our thoughts and feelings mingle,
We are not two, nor single;
Our spirits blend,
No word we send,—
You and I;
And the sinking half-moon leaves the sky!