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Rome, on her hills of vantage throned,
Gave to the world her strenuous rule.
Isles of the sea her empire owned,
The Nations studied at her school.
Resplendent from her gates went forth
The legions of her proud defence,
And fiery South and frozen North
Did homage to her eminence.
Heroic souls her counsels gave;
Wisdom her sturdy conquests held;
Her towering eagle, fierce and brave,
The tumult of the peoples quelled.
The forest broods a better way
Than the rude clutch of Rapine saw.
Within her walls, to stand for aye,
Was crowned the majesty of Law.
Our City is as nobly set,
Stately her hills, albeit but three,
Glorious about her parapet
Floats the dear Flag of Liberty.


Strong sons, the nurslings of her hearth,
For freedom won the Western plains;
To-day, with happy pride of birth,
They come to show their splendid gains.
Fair towns they builded as they went;
Empires above their footsteps grew;
For Justice stood their armament,
For all th' illustrious truth they knew.
Now, welcome young and welcome old!
Salute with joy each sacred bound!
The cradle of your race behold!
Let the ancestral anthems sound!
And let our Boston, from her heights,
Match with her hills the virtues three,
And crown them, as with beacons bright,
With Faith and Hope and Charity.