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Thoughts in Verse

A Volume of Poems

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Snowy speck upon the landscape,—
Like a bird far out at sea;
Seeming but a fleecy shadow,—
Do you ask: “What can it be?”
See it, ever rocking, rocking,
On the ever changing breast
Of the Roads, near the James River,
Active now, and then at rest.
What? it is a little sailboat!
Gliding swiftly up the Bay;
Sailing homeward from a days' work
In the dreamy far away.
How we welcome thee, oh sailboat,
Bringing home thy precious freight;
Bringing husband, son or father—
Love waits at the cottage gate.
Boat of life and hope, speed onward!
Spread thy white sails, more and more!
Do not think of casting anchor,
Till we reach the other shore.
Sail through sunshine and through darkness,
Dare the storm as black as night;
Brave the billows and the breakers—
Evening shall bring golden light.


Let us all sail bravely onward,
To our Father's house above,
Where the billows are forgotten,
In a life of peace and love.