University of Virginia Library

Council Resolution

While the petition was still
circulating, Student Council
passed a resolution April 24
supporting a demonstration on
May 1 against the parking in
the amphitheater. The
resolution was not passed
unanimously, however. During
a protracted debate, six
members of the council
brought up objections ranging
from fears that it would
alienate the administration to
the belief that it would "bomb

Mr. Sabato, then Council
Vice-President said, "President
Shannon didn't indicate
support at all (for the
regrassing) and it will take a lot
more than one day to change

College Representative
Taylor Pitney said, "Council
must push for mass action and
encourage student action and
student use of the
amphitheater. We're not
pushing for a major renovation,
just get some grass down

Besides passing the
resolution, Council also sent
letters to faculty members in
the parking lot urging them to
to donate their spots to
anything other than a parking
space for their car on May 1.