University of Virginia Library

Greater Exposure

Craig Landauer, last
semester's vice-chairman, said
however, this was the the first
year the Judiciary Committee
received space in Orientation
Week activities.

Vice-Chairman Mike
Gordon stressed the need for
greater exposure of the
committee to students. "We
want the name of the Judiciary
Committee to be known,
not for personal publicity, but
to let students know there's a
body other than the Honor
Committee to serve them."

Mr. Schlitz added, "We
don't go looking for business,
yet everyone knows that these
offenses do occur."

Offenses under the
jurisdiction of the committee,
according to "The
Colonnades" include "all cases
of student misconduct,"
except those handled by the
Honor Committee. Accusations
range from shooting with a
rifle to tearing a pay phone
from the wall.

The Judiciary Committee
also hears many cases in the
"gray area," those that could
go to the Honor Committee
but are presented to the
Judiciary Committee instead.
The misuse of student
identification cards to obtain
tickets to sports events is just
one example.