University of Virginia Library

Traffic Increase

Increased traffic generated
throughout Charlottesville by
the University has been the
focus for Planning Commission
studies in the past.

Mr. Malanga began work on
his proposal in November,
1971. He disclosed his
recommendation at a public
hearing of the Planning
Commission last June.

At that time, according to
Mr. Malanga, University
Business Manager Richard F.
Shutts told the Commission
that the University accepted
the traffic engineer's proposal,
and that the University would
give the required land to the

Mr. Ralph N. Fuller of
University Information
Services said, however, that the
Board of Visitors approved of
the city's proposal "only in

According to Mr. Fuller, no
formal approval has yet been
given to the proposal's specific

Mr. Shutts could not be
reached for any comment
regarding this statement.