University of Virginia Library

Kappa Sigma Fraternity

Mr. Ivey commented upon the incident in
which a member of the Kappa Sigma fraternity
allegedly asked him and a number of other
students to leave the house. Concerning the
member involved, Mr. Ivey said, "From my
perspective, he represented that whole
house...and that's the only way I'm going to
look at it."

Addressing the Council, one black student
stated, "There are things you can do to control
these attitudes." The Council then discussed
and voted on a two-part resolution dealing with
the Kappa Sigma incident and with the entire
fraternity system.

It was moved by Carl Biscoe, a
representative from the School of Graduate
Arts and Sciences, that "the Student Council
censure Kappa Sigma Social Fraternity of the
University of Virginia for allowing an
atmosphere to exist which would foster and
condone such racist incidents as the one
occurring on September 25 at a social function
at this house." This motion was tabled until
after the Inter-fraternity Council has an
opportunity to meet on the question.

The second part of Mr. Biscoe's motion was
passed unanimously. It stated, "We further urge
all governing bodies having jurisdiction over this
particular incident to take decisive action in
this matter so as to prevent such incidents from
occurring in the future."