University of Virginia Library

Lost Ability

Ken Lewis stated that "the party has lost its
ability to lead. VPP was performing a lot. It's
not anymore." Other persons felt that there is
widespread dissatisfaction because the VPP was
a means of getting elected.

Mr. Kirsch stated that "a new party would
mean new input, new ideas, new people, and
new support. The new ideas to be explored are
the University Senate, establishing the
Birdwood tract into a separate residential
college, and changing the whole idea of

"I don't think the VPP can accomplish these
goals now. The people are too limited." Mr.
Kirsch added.

"I want to make it clear that I do not feel
that the VPP is bad or that it has failed in any
way, but times have changed and there is a need
for more input into the system; and I do not
feel that VPP can supply that need," he said.

A member of VPP said that "this move
would get some people off their asses." He
added, "We should create a power vacuum."