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Growth Factor

According to Mr. Payne, 164 will continue
to be a growth factor in the county with
industrial impact expected at the interchanges
east and west of Charlottesville. He also
suggested that a major collector road be devised
making use of existing primary and secondary
roads and providing a ready means of moving
from one cluster community to another.

The planning consultant said that he
anticipates that the population would reach the
185,000 mark in the next 30 years. He added
that this growth will require 65 new schools
and that the county must prepare to meet this
major expense.

The cluster communities would range in size
from 10,000 population at Scottsville to a
projected 20,000 at Crozet, with each to have a
central business district, supplementary
shopping areas, a variety of residential housing
closely tied to a business or industry of some