University of Virginia Library

Two Vacancies

The Engineering School also filled two
vacancies on the Judiciary Committee. John
Ring of Theta Tau and John Zoller of the NEP
were elected. Each received 155 votes. The
other candidates were John Heisler of Theta
Tau with 145 votes, Jim Wamsley of Trigon
with 144 and Andy Hook with 139.

In the Law School Howard Gordon with
163 votes was elected to Judiciary. He
defeated Tom Albro with 144 and James
Merriman with 132.

Two referendum questions were voted upon
by degree candidates. They chose, by a vote of
448 to 270, to allocate funds for the rental of
caps and gowns. At the same time, they voted
in an opinion poll to recommend to the
administration that the wearing of caps and
gowns be optional. There were 290 votes cast
for the option, 282 in favor of mandatory caps
and gowns, and 160 votes for no caps and