University of Virginia Library

Open Letter

In an open letter to The Cavalier Daily Mr.
Boyd expressed his concern over the issue of
"interim suspension." This clause reads:

"Temporary exclusion from the University
of a student who engages in disruptive conduct
or in any other prohibited conduct which poses
a substantial threat to the health or safety of
other members of the University or to
University property or to the orderly operation
of the University, pending a hearing on such
offense. Prompt hearing shall be afforded any
student so suspended. Any student so
suspended who thereafter enters upon
University property, other than at the request
of University officials or of a duty authorized
hearing body for purposes of a hearing, is
subject to prosecution therefor by civil

Mr. Boyd writes that he has had verbal
assurance from D. Alan Williams, the Vice
President for Student Affairs, that any such
suspension will be subject to immediate review
by the Judiciary Committee.

Mr. Boyd said that he did not remember any
discussion of this issue at the meeting, but Mr.
Middleditch, who was responsible for drafting
the rules, assured The Cavalier Daily that this
clause was approved in August.