University of Virginia Library

Inferior Position

The committee judges a promotion
case on the teaching ability
and the scholarship of the candidate.
Th is done, according to
Mr. Bowers, so that all members
can instruct a Ph.D. as well as an
undergraduate. If the graduate
faculty were noticeably superior to
that in the undergraduate schools,
the undergraduates would be placed
in an inferior position.

Mr. Bowers agreed that the
Faculty Handbook that was mentioned
at the AAUP meeting would
be desirable.

According to several AAUP
members, the handbook was originally
proposed by the faculty of the
College of Arts and Sciences at a
meeting in 1965. A committee was
appointed to draw one up but it
was decided that such a book was
needed for the entire University.
The matter fell into the hands of
the Provost and the committee

The call for the handbook was
again raised this year. Provost
Frank Hereford is in the process of
appointing a committee to study
the matter.