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To explain this "broad-based
representation," Mr. Wine presented
The Cavalier Daily with a list of
the officers of the New Party.
Included were Mike Russell, Vice-president;
Dick Covington, Secretary;
and Jeff Kirsch, Treasurer.

Among others included in the
party's membership were Ron Cass
and Bud Ogle of the Student
Council, Scott Saunders of the
First-Year Committee, Kim Hopper
of the Experimental University, Al
Sinesky of the football team, Tom
Gardner of the SSOC, and Hal
Collums of the Alderman Road

The basic goal of the New Party,
Mr. Wine explained, is to elect
students to the Student Council

With this in mind, Mr. Wine
stated that the New Party held a
nominating meeting last night and
chose five students from the College
to run in the Student Council
elections next month. He stated
that the candidates would be
disclosed within the next few days.

Mr. Wine also stated that although
the five candidates were all
from the College, he hoped that the
New Party would be able to attract
members from all schools of the
University and, in future elections,
would be able to nominate candidates
for Student Council from all of
the schools.