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Fill A Need

Fredson Bowers, Dean of the
Faculty, in making the announcement,
said that the seminars would
fill a need already expressed by the
committee on the evaluation of the
present College curriculum and
would be undertaken as experimental
seminars for at least a year
before meaningful evaluation of
them could be made.

Present plans call for seminars
being given in the McCormick and
Alderman Road dormitories by
faculty members, most of them
senior faculty status, on subjects of
their own choosing.

These subjects will be sent to
members of the incoming class
during the summer with an offer to
those who wish to pre-enroll in

Each seminar will be limited to
no more than 15 first-year men. In
addition, the seminar leaders plan
to hold regular office hours in the
dormitory areas.

At the present time, each of
these seminars will be conducted by
faculty volunteers. Should the seminars
be oversubscribed, Dean
Bowers commented, additional volunteer
instructors will be sought.