University of Virginia Library

Left Out

By eliminating the rally and
motorcade completely, it was
feared that the students who have
so far supported the Coalition
would feel that they were being left
out while the "elite group" met
with Governor. In order to show
the authorities in Richmond that
the movement has widespread support
amongst the student body and
faculty, the demonstration will be
held on Thursday.

Many of the student leaders,
including Bud Ogle, were wary of
holding a rally even the day after
the meeting with the Governor, for
fear that its announcement would
undermine the Wednesday conference.
It was decided that the
Thursday demonstration would
therefore be directed towards the

Mr. Rosen revealed that the
Coalition had permission to hold its
rally on Wednesday, but that it
might not be allowed to switch to
Thursday. Tentative permission was
granted late yesterday afternoon by
the Speaker of the State House, but
the final approval must come from
Lieutenant Governor Pollard. Mr.
Pollard said that he would decide
sometime this morning on the