University of Virginia Library

Faculty Vehicle

Mr. Elwood said that the two
resolutions name only the faculty
as sponsors because "the students
already have other means by which
they are expressing their views.
These resolutions are serving as the
faculty vehicle."

He said that the petitions based
on the resolutions will be circulated
this week and will be collected in
Cabell Hall 530 at noon on Friday.
It is then expected that a spokesman
for the group will present the
petitions to President Shannon.

One of the dissenting votes on
the second proposal was cast by
Stephen Squire, a member of SDS
and one of the nine students who
attended the meeting.

Mr. Squire explained that he
supports the resolution but he feels
it would have been better to "push
for the whole package." The
resolution which deals with the
transition program alone is "narrowing
down things that should be
taken as a totality to one issue," he