University of Virginia Library

More Graduate Students

On the graduate level, the
growing need for graduate study
is reflected in the enrollment of
the Graduate School of Arts and
Sciences which increased from
909 students in 1966 to 1,063
this year.

The School of Education has
810 students enrolled in its
graduate programs this year, an
increase of 120 over last year.
Next comes graduate engineering,
239; graduate business, 208;
graduate architecture, 27, and
graduate law, 19.

On the professional level, the
School of Medicine has a total
enrollment of 298 students this
year and the School of Law has
729 students.

The number of women enrolled
at the University increased
from 809 in 1966 to
978 in 1967. Two-thirds of the
women are enrolled in the University's
graduate program.