University of Virginia Library



The following resolution was adopted:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the following changes of title be and they are hereby made:

Mr. Mortimer M. Caplin, from Professor of Law, to Visiting Professor of Law, for the
period 1 February 1965 through 30 June 1966, at a salary to be based on the number of courses
taught at the rate normally paid lecturers.

Mr. Jose Carneiro, from Assistant Professor of Anatomy, to Visiting Assistant Professor
of Anatomy, for three years, effective 1 October 1964.

Mr. Weldon Cooper, from Professor of Political Science, to Professor of Government,
effective 12 December 1964.

Mr. Paul T. David, from Professor of Political Science, to Professor of Government and
Foreign Affairs, effective 12 December 1964.

Mr. Ralph Eisenberg, from Assistant Professor of Political Science, to Assistant Professor
of Government and Foreign Affairs, effective 12 December 1964.

Mr. Herbert Emmerich, from Professor of Political Science, to Professor of Government and
Foreign Affairs, effective 12 December 1964.

Mr. Alfred P. Fernbach, from Professor of Foreign Affairs, to Professor of Government and
Foreign Affairs, effective 12 December 1964.

Mr. William M. Griffin, from Associate Professor of Political Science, to Associate
Professor of Government and Foreign Affairs, effective 12 December 1964.

Mr. Robert J. Harris, from Professor of Political Science, to Professor of Government,
effective 12 December 1964.

Mr. Laurin L. Henry, from Professor of Political Science, to Professor of Government and
Foreign Affairs, effective 12 December 1964.

Mr. Wilson N. Howell, Jr., from Instructor in Foreign Affairs, one-half time, to Instructor
in Government and Foreign Affairs, one-half time, effective 12 December 1964.

Mr. Majid Khadduri, from Visiting Professor of Foreign Affairs, one-half time, to Visiting
Professor of Government and Foreign Affairs, one-half time, effective 12 December 1964.

Mr. Thomas H. Lahey, from Assistant Professor of Psychology, to Assistant Professor of
Neurology and Psychiatry (Psychology), effective 1 July 1964.

Mr. Leslie Laszlo, from Visiting Assistant Professor of Political Science, to Visiting
Assistant Professor of Government and Foreign Affairs, effective 12 December 1964.

Mr. Shao C. Leng, from Professor of Foreign Affairs, to Professor of Government and
Foreign Affairs, effective 12 December 1964.

Mr. Robert L. Lester, Jr., from Instructor in Government, one-half time, to Instructor in
Government and Foreign Affairs, one-half time, effective 12 December 1964.

Mr. Daniel R. McMillan, Jr., from Acting Associate Professor of Mathematics, to Associate
Professor of Mathematics, effective 1 September 1965, at a session salary of $10,900.

Mr. Stainslaw J. Makielski, Jr., from Assistant Professor of Political Science, to
Assistant Professor of Government and Foreign Affairs, effective 12 December 1964.

Mr. Robert J. Morgan, from Associate Professor of Political Science, to Associate Professor
of Government and Foreign Affairs, effective 12 December 1964.

Mr. Jan Simon Nilsson, from Visiting Associate Professor of Physics, to Associate Professor
of Physics, effective 12 December 1964.

Mr. Robert H. Puckett, from Assistant Professor of Foreign Affairs, to Assistant Professor
of Government and Foreign Affairs, effective 12 December 1964.

Mr. Rouhollah K. Ramazani, from Professor of Foreign Affairs, to Professor of Government
and Foreign Affairs, effective 12 December 1964.

Mr. Vladimir Reisky de Dubnic, from Visiting Professor of Foreign Affairs, to Visiting
Professor of Government and Foreign Affairs, effective 12 December 1964.

Mr. Vladimir Reisky de Dubnic, from Visiting Professor of Government and Foreign Affairs,
to Associate Professor of Government and Foreign Affairs, effective 1 September 1965, at a
session salary of $11,900.

Mr. Vincent Shea, from Professor of Political Science, to Professor of Government,
effective 12 December 1964.

Mr. Franklin R. Sibert, from Instructor in Foreign Affairs, one-half time, to Instructor
in Government and Foreign Affairs, one-half time, effective 12 December 1964.


Mr. George W. Spicer, from Professor of Political Science, to Professor of Government,
effective 12 December 1964.

Mr. Matt W. Williamson, from Instructor in Political Science, one-half time, to
Instructor in Government and Foreign Affairs, one-half time, effective 12 December 1964.

Mr. Johan Zwaan, from Assistant Professor of Anatomy, to Visiting Assistant
Professor of Anatomy, for three years, effective 15 October 1964.