University of Virginia Library


The President proposed and the Board adopted the following resolution

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that
the following faculty members be and they are hereby granted leaves of absence

Mr. Truman A. Botts, Associate Professor of Mathematics, for the 1962-1963 session, without pay,
to accept a position as Visiting Professor of Mathematics at the University of Puerto Rico

Mr. Pierre E. Conner, Jr., Associate Professor of Mathematics, for the 1962-1963 session, without
pay, to teach at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Mr. Peter R. Goethals, Assistant Professor of Sociology and Anthropology, for the 1962-1963
session, without pay, to do anthropological field research in Southeast Asia

Mr. Alexandre Kafka, Professor of Economics, to extend leave until 1 February 1963, without pay,
to continue research in economic development at the Brazilian Institute of Economics in Rio de
Janiero, Brazil

Mr. James R. Schlesinger, Associate Professor of Economics, for the 1962-1963 session, without
pay, to continue his research and writing

Mr. John W. Stewart, Associate Professor of Physics, for the 1962-1963 session, without pay, to
enable him to do research at the National Bureau of Standards' Boulder Laboratory under a National
Research Council Fellowship


Miss Margaret G. Tyson, Dean of the School of Nursing, to extend leave for the period 1 July
1962 to 1 September 1962, without pay, to complete the requirements for the doctoral degree at
Columbia University.