University of Virginia Library



The President presented to the meeting an offer signed by James P. Massie and Margaret B.
Massie, his wife, Roy Ellerson Massie, in her own right and as Executrix of the late Eugene C. Massie,
Ida Massie Valentine and C. Braxton Valentine, her husband, in the form of a letter addressed to Mr.
Edward C. Anderson, c/o Scott & Stringfellow, under date of July 10, 1945, by which said James. P.
Massie, and the others signing this letter, propose to sell to the University a portion of the properties
known as "Copeley" and "East Copeley" lying to the northwest of the University and on the western side
of Route 29, the area of the land so offered for sale being 120 acres and the price to be $65,000.00
cash. Sale to be closed at the earliest convenient time within sixty days from July 10, 1945. Title
to be subject to approval by Attorney for the purchaser.

The question of the advisability of the purchase of this land for future University purposes
was discussed, and it was thereupon,

RESOLVED that the offer of James P. Massie, and others, to sell to the University of Virginia
120 acres taken from the "Copeley" and "East Copeley" properties be and is hereby accepted, and the
President is hereby authorized and requested to execute the acceptance of said offer, delivering such
acceptance to Edward C. Anderson for delivery by him to Mr. Massie, Mrs. Roy Ellerson Massie, in her
own right and as Executrix of Eugene C. Massie, deceased, and to Mrs. Ida Massie Valentine, and the
Attorney for the University is directed to proceed at once with the examination of title to this property
making report thereon to the next meeting of this Board of possible.