University of Virginia Library


The President presented for consideration and adoption the operating budget of the
University for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1943, and explained to the meeting that while
it had been customary to prepare and present the budget earlier in the year, due to the conditions
affecting the registration of students, and the unsettled situation with respect to
contracts in prospect with the Army and Navy for training certain units, he had been unable to
make any progress in its preparation until the registration for the session beginning on
July 1, had been completed.

The budget, as presented carried the following figures;


Estimated receipts, including State appropriation  $2,265,232 
Estimated expenditures  2,239,477 
Estimated surplus—University Division  $ 25,755 


Estimated receipts, including State appropriation  $ 758,711 
Estimated expenditures  758,160 
Estimated surplus—Hospital Division  $ 551 

Following examination and discussion of the budget, the appropriation for the Law
Department was increased $1,500 to cover the salary of an assistant Law Librarian in charge
of documents, and then, on motion, the budget for 1943-44 was adopted.

The President discusses with the Board the method to be used in preparing the budget
estimates of the University for 1944-46 for presentation to the Governor for action at the
forthcoming meeting of the Legislature—whether such estimates should be based on a peace-time
or war-time basis, and it was the consenus of opinion that it should be prepared on a peacetime

The President referred to the items contained in the budget for 1942-44 covering
certain capital outlays which were provided for, but the construction of which were made impossible
due to the needs of the war and particularly with respect to the item for the Negro
Wing of the hospital. It was

RESOLVED, that the capital outlay items, carried in the budget requests
for 1942-44 be repeated in the requests for 1944-46, and that the item for the Negro
Ward for the Hospital be made the principle item.

The President also discussed with the Board the question of continuance of intercollegiate
athletics for the coming season, and following a general discussion of the matter,
on motion of Dr. Haden the matter was referred to a committee, consisting of the President and
two members of the Board, with power to act. The chairman named Edward C. Anderson and
Christopher B. Garnett to serve with the president.

The meeting then adjourned.

Garnett Corbitt
Chairman Pro Tem
E. I. Carruthersa