University of Virginia Library


The Board adopted the following resolution:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
at the following persons be and they are hereby elected to the faculty.

Miss Marion Browder as Assistant Professor of Nursing, as of August 15, 1955, at an annual
salary of $4,400

Mr. Willard E. Stainback as Lecturer in Architecture, effective in September, 1955, at a
session salary of $1,500.

Dr. Edward H. Fite, as Instructor in Urology, effective October 1, 1955, at an annual salary
of $5,000. This is a replacement for Dr. Passaretti.

Dr. Raymond S. Blackman as Clinical Instructor in Medicine as of September 1, 1955, at a
salary of $1,333.00 per year

Dr. Thomas R. Johns, II, as Assistant Professor of Neurology and Psychiatry, as of January 1,
1956. It is expected that he will be paid from a Public Health Grant, but in the event this does
not become available, he will be paid from departmental funds. His salary will be $11,000 per year

Mr. H. G. Larew as Acting Associate Professor of Civil Engineering, as of February 1, 1956,
at a session salary of $6,500.00

Dr. James A. Newcome, as Visiting Lecturer in Neurology, effective September 1, 1955, at no
salary from the University

Dr. Manfred Kydan, as Visiting Lecturer in Neurology and Psychiatry, as of September 1, 1955,
at no salary from the University

Dr. J. Adrian Rich, as Visiting Lecturer in Neurology and Psychiatry, as of September 1, 1955,
at no salary from the University

Dr. Leo J. Falk, Jr., as Clinical Instructor in Internal Medicine as of November 1, 1955, at
no salary from the University

Mr. T. Coleman Andrews as Visiting Lecturer in the Graduate School of Business Administration
as of the beginning of the second semester of the session of 1955-56, at no salary from the

Mr. Almarin Phillips as Visiting Assistant Professor of Business Administration in the Graduate
School of Business Administration as of February 1, 1956, at a salary of $1,500.

Mrs. Allie Jamison Davis as Acting Instructor in Nursing, as of September 1, 1955, at an annual
salary of $3,456.00

Dr. Charles V. Crittenden as Acting Associate Professor of Geography for the second semester
of the current session at a salary of $3,000 for the semester.

Dr. John Roark as Instructor in Medicine as of January 1, 1956, at no salary from the University

Miss Mary Belle George as Acting Assistant Professor of English in the Clinch Valley College, as
of September, 1955, at a session salary of $3,800.

Mr. Stanley Horton Botts as Lecturer in Accounting in the Clinch Valley College, as of
September, 1955, at a session salary of $3,600