University of Virginia Library


NCAA Matter

The President reported that the Sanity Code had been defeated at the Dallas meeting by only
three votes, the majority of the opposition being the "Big Ten" and western conferences. The President
stated that there were two matters to be settled concerning athletics which should be referred
to an appropriate committee for study: (1) what aid we are going to grant to athletes; and (2) the
advisability of the University's rejoining the Southern Conference.


The President stated that he had only recently made up his mind concerning intercollegiate
boxing and hence had made no recommendation to the Board prior to this time. He stated that there is
now no doubt in his mind that intercollegiate boxing should be abolished. He requested that the matter
be considered and a decision reached this spring if possible. It was the sense of several members
of the Board that this matter should be referred to the new Athletic Council.

Mr. Anderson stated that the Athletics Committee of the Board had considered the continuance
of boxing and it was his opinion that the Athletics Committee was in a better position to evaluate
this matter than the much larger Athletic Council which is proposed.

Mr. Carrington stated that there had been a very careful investigation of intercollegiate
boxing by the Athletics Committee, that Captain Pritchett as well as the coach of the boxing team had
appeared before the Committee, but that no vote had been taken of the Committee membership.

Mr. Gay stated that he believed sufficient hearings had been held and ample consideration
given to the matter, and he felt that intercollegiate boxing should be discontinued. After some further
discussion a resolution was adopted as follows.

RESOLVED: That the matter of the continuance of intercollegiate boxing be deferred and later
referred to the proposed Athletic Council.

Mr. Gay requested that he be recorded as voting in opposition to this resolution for the
following reasons: (1) there is nothing before the Board to show that the proposed Athletic Council


will be established; (2) the Board has considered the matter carefully over the last two years and
every medical member of the Board has recommended the discontinuance of boxing; (3) it is his feeling
that it is the responsibility of the Board of Visitors to act and not to refer this matter to
the Athletic Council.