University of Virginia Library



Visitors: Messrs. L. B. Gunn and J. Harvie Wilkinson, Jr., of the State-Planters Bank and
Trust Company, Richmond.

Mr. Gunn pointed out that the over-all yield in the Consolidated Endowment Fund averaged
4.02% for the year ending January 25, 1949. He added that this was the first time since the present
trustees commenced management of the fund that the yield had exceeded 4%. During the past year the
general policy of the trustees has been to dispose of securities which had returned a high yield
during the war but which it was felt were not now attractive for permanent investment. The present
distribution of securities is shown below.

AS OF MARCH 25, 1949

Bonds - General  23.3% 
U. S. Government  25.2%  48.5% 
Preferred Stocks  20.1 
Common Stocks  31.3 
Principal Cash  .1 
Utilities  $1,225,383.75  24.3% 
Railroads  401,121.25  8.0 
Chemical and Drug  371,242.88  7.3 
Bank, Insurance & Finance  320,043.50  6.3 
Tobacco  296,192.75  5.9 
Stores  140,300.00  2.8 
Oil  139,032.50  2.8 
Electrical Equipment  84,224.13  1.7 
Food & Food Products  72,075.00  1.4 
Container  71,837.50  1.4 
Metals & Mining (Non Ferrous)  71,570.50  1.4 
Credit Reporting  69,933.50  1.4 
Auto and Accessories  68,536.88  1.4 
Steel  60,913.13  1.2 
Machinery and Equipment  38,585.50  .8 
Motion Picture  33,312.50  .8 
Manufacturing (Abrasives, etc.)  26,125.00  .5 
Textiles (Rayon)  25,562.50  .5 
Fertilizer  11,687.50  .2 
Miscellaneous  10,802.00  .2 
Sugar  6,787.50  .1 
Soap  6,262.50  .1 
U. S. Savings "G" Bonds  576,500.00  11.4 
U. S. Treasury Bonds  696,461.22  13.8 
Municipal & Quasi-Govt. Bonds  209,487.07  4.2 
Principal Cash  6,353.73  .1 
$5,040,434.29  100.0% 

The Board expressed approval of the manner in which the Finance Committee and the trustees
of the Consolidated Endowment Fund have managed the investment of this fund during the past year,
and tendered their thanks to Messrs. Gunn and Wilkinson for being present at this meeting.