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Modern chivalry

containing the adventures of a captain, and Teague O'Regan, his servant

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Page 26


IT will not be understood, that I am to give the
whole message, at full length; which would be unnecessary,
as I think it is full time, that in the addresses,
or messages of Governors, in most instances, the common
place parts might be omitted; such as what respects
improvements of roads, encouragement of domestic
manufactures, and the making a new militia law, felicitating
on abundant harvests; or complimenting the
administration of the general government, which comes
also under this head. There are many like common place
subjects which it were tedious to enumerate, but which
may, in this instance, be considered as disposed of. We
hasten to the main matter which the Governor touched
upon, the particular situation and affairs of the new government.
I cannot do better than just to make an extract
in his own words. It is the concluding part, and
the plainest in point of expression. For there is a certain
stateliness and dignity in the stile of such compositions
that is excusable in the initiatory, or perambulatory
part, that need not be observed so punctiliously in
what relates to real business Tropes need not rise so
rapidly, nor need these be taken so much from lofty objects
in nature; such as billows of the ocean, or tempests
on the land. All may be simple, like that of information,
or opinion given in common cases.

The extract which we give relates to a matter which
may be supposed to have occupied the mind of his excellency,
the innovations projected by the visionary philosopher
and which had got some footing in the minds
of the people, respecting a change in the extent of suffrage
at elections, and the right of being elected, consequent
upon it. For if any but those under the denomination
of rational persons, could elect, other than rational
persons might be elected. For, similia a similibus
gignuntur. But that he might not give offence, by attacking
a prejudice abruptly, he approached the subject
circuitously, by talking of the promotion of knowledge,
and the establishment of schools. But I continue to talk
of the message, rather than to give it. Here it is, that
part of it that we have spoken of.


Page 27

“I would not be understood as meaning to insinuate,
even in the most distant manner, a deficiency of natural
understanding, or any extraordinary want of information
in the members of your honourable body. I am the
more careful to suggest this, because of the known prejudices
which the inhabitants of the sea-coasts entertain,
in favour of themselves. Because, from the greater opportunities
they have of ships arriving, they may have
information of the affairs of Europe, sooner than we
have, they may be disposed to attribute this, to a greater
facility of apprehension. And because, they have schools
and colleges of an older foundation, and more accessible
from the propinquity of situation. Hence they are led to
think that their possessing more scientific knowledge is
owing to themselves, and not to this advantage. The truth
is that in point of talent, so far as this includes the capacity
of acquring learning, or judging solidly, I take it the
ultramontane people are before those of the cities or of
the towns, and settlements on the sea-coast: not that in
this case I resolve it into a superior strength of the brain,
so much, as into the circumstance of better air on the
mountains than in the cities; unless indeed I except
those just on the sea-board, and where they have the
benefit of the salt breeze. It may not be that they possess
stronger, but only clearer brain. For if the marshes
and the low grounds, overflowed in some part, with
the rivers, infect the atmosphere with damps, and vapours,
that affect the body, how can the brain, which is
a part of the body, escape, being muddied with what
naturalists call the effluviæ, and physicians, the miasmata,
which are the cause of this? Are the draught cattle of
these places, of the activity of those of the hills? Our
horses are a smaller breed, but they are more alert on a
journey. Our wild beasts in general, are more agile in
their movements, and seem to have more resources of
cunning, and foresight than the tame; but even domesticated
quadrupeds with us seem to be like the human
species, in the same regions; that is, of a superior cast
to the denizens of the low country. No wonder, for the
barometer will shew the difference that exists in the
gravity of the atmosphere. And running, and jumping
itself, is more favourable to clearness of head, than standing
behind a counter, and casting up figures. If I were
to take one of these so employed in order to enlighten
him, the first thing I would do, would be to apprehend


Page 28
him by the locks, and to set him on the top of a hill, to
look about him for a while. I would shake him well,
before I would set him down to his lesson. A man's
ideas in a shop, are in proportion to the size of the room;
he thinks narrowly, if not meanly, who has not more
than a few yards of prospect for the greater part of the
twenty-four hours in the day. We acquire the magnitude
of surrounding objects, and our conceptions enlarge
by the space that presents itself. Why is it that all
great generals look for the rising and upper ground in
engagements? It is because it improves courage. The
mere circumstance of striking to more advantage, from
the higher part of the inclining plain, is not all. There
is a great deal in the bare imagination. The paradox of
the schools, crede quod habes, et habes, is not true;
but thinking that you can conquer, goes a great way to
give the victory. And the soldier that has his head
higher than his adversary, is led naturally, by a kind of
incalculable impulse, to think that he can subdue him.
I do not wonder, therefore, if upon these reflections, and
ascribing too much to such secret operations of the mind;
derived from the elevation of a range of hills, the visionary
philosopher that has come amongst us, may have
been encouraged to think that even our beasts might be
capable of an extraordinary cultivation. At the same
time, whatever may be my prepossessions in favor of a
reform, I have not been able to entertain sentiments equally
saguine with some worthy citizens, on this particular
I consider it rather the offspring of a disturbed
mind of some sea-coast politician, that has broached this
doctrine, or would induce a community to adopt the hypothesis;
and this, not so much out of respect to the
powers of mind with us, as complimentary to their own
vanity, who have been able to excogitate the imagination.
If it is not rather meditated as an insult, being as
much as to say, the difference is so small between you
and your cattle, that there can be no conclusive reason,
or cogent argument, why you might not be put upon
the same footing. For as the parallax of remote stars
seems small, and we consider them to the naked eye,
as together; so it is in the light of an imputation of inferiority
in the human species here, that I have taken
up the suggestion. For why did they not begin with
their own beasts in the lower country, to ameliorate their
condition, and extend their rights? They have been visionary


Page 29
enough, in all conscience, with their abolition of
the common law,
and other innovations; but they have
not come so far as to talk of naturalizing cattle, strictly
speaking; though some of their naturalizations have
been of very uncouth persons. It is not sufficient that the
heat and moisture of the climate may produce yellow fever
in their towns, but that political pestilences spread
from thence. However able you may be as a body, yet
if a few bullocks, hide and tallow, were actually mixed
among you, by means of the intrigues of these people,
you might become the subject of ridicule, instead of admiration;—No—if
pards and bears are to be admitted to
appear, or officiate in any department of representative
capacity, it ought to be at the bar, where noise may be
better tolerated, and growling may pass for ability. The
late disorderly elections in the districts, was owing to
this very proposition of giving beasts votes; whereas
in the opinion of most persons, if any were sober, on that
day, there were beasts enough on the ground, if I may
be allowed to call them so, in a comparative way of speaking,
who, on these occasions, can reconcile it to themselves
to cheat and to wrangle in support of the frauds
they have committed. It is in this sense of the word
that the Apostle Paul speaks, when he says, he “fought
with beasts at Ephesus;” not as some take it, that he
was exposed to wild beasts, in the amphitheatre, according
to the barbarous custom of the Romans. If all the
election laws that can be framed are ineffectual to restrain
breaches of the peace, even now, while men only
are allowed the privilege of voting, how would it be, if
the elective franchise was enlarged to creatures that
have claws, or horns, or hoofs. The biting, and the
gouging would be encreased; and there would be so
many tame animals at least beaten, and bruised, that
they would be unfit for the services of agriculture which
will leave the husbandmen without the means of tilling
their ground, or getting in their crops. On all these
considerations, the scheme, or project, as it may be better
called, appears to me fraught with inconveniences;
and to be a reform, at this time, not practicable.

“The abuses of the late election, whether any in the
way of improper votes admitted, it would not become
me to insinuate, nor do I insinuate, as to what may have
taken place, but what has been advocated as a possible
reform. You are yourselves judges of the legality of


Page 30
your own elections; and seeing neither tails among you,
nor manes on any of your shoulders, I take it for granted
you are all men, and have been elected by such. For
though an hundred or two horse votes may have been
counted; or a kid, or a merino ram here, or there, may
have got his nose in the dish, it does not follow that it
has made the difference of a representative in any one
case. The purity of the elective franchise, is the first
gem of liberty; it is the bud at which it breaks forth. If
the frost of fraud blights, no fruit springs from the tree.
The prevention of fraud is the object of the laws; but
the distinguishing the objects of trust, is equally important.
That must remain with the citizens at large.”

The message of his excellency, couched in these wary
words; was, nevertheless, unfavourably received by
the members present, and those of the country attending.
The contortions in the visages of them, expressed disapprobation.
The words aristocracy were muttered.
The physiognomy of some had the appearance of one
whom an inexpert barber was shaving with a bad
razor; there was screwing, and twisting of the features;
and a wry countenance at the greater part of the
words read.