University of Virginia Library

Sec. 2. Boundaries; corporate status.

So much of the land that lies and is contained in the following
boundaries: Beginning at a cross on rock on hill
ninety-two feet southeast of center line of traveled way Ridge
Street a corner to the present corporation line, thence with
it north thirty-two degrees thirty minutes west at five hundred
and twenty-one feet Old Lynchburg Road at one thousand
three hundred and six feet Seven and One-half Street
S. W. extended in all three thousand one hundred fifty-two
and four-tenths feet to a stake east bank of a small branch
and north forty degrees east seventy-six feet from center of
top of manhole, thence new lines south thirty-five degrees
thirty-eight minutes west two hundred thirteen and seven-tenths
feet to a stake, south thirty-eight degrees eight minutes
west one thousand one hundred nineteen and two-tenths
feet to a stake, south eighty-nine degrees forty-seven minutes
west two hundred thirteen and seven-tenths feet to a stake
sixteen feet northeast of branch, thence crossing branch south
eighty-two degrees thirty-nine minutes west one hundred
eighty-five and six-tenths feet to a stake north eighty-seven
degrees forty-four minutes west three hundred thirty-four
feet to a stake south eighty-nine degrees forty-seven minutes
west two hundred and five-tenths feet to a stake south sixty-five
degrees thirty-nine minutes west one hundred sixty-two
and three-tenths feet, south fifty-six degrees forty-seven minutes
west one hundred ninety-seven and two-tenths feet south
fifty-four degrees twenty-three minutes west three hundred
forty-three and two-tenths feet to a stake, south forty-four
degrees fifty-eight minutes west eight hundred thirty-seven
feet to a stake fourteen feet beyond a branch and twenty-five
feet beyond a large poplar, side line, thence south twenty degrees
twenty-two minutes west at four hundred ninety-six
feet a small fore and aft pine in all one thousand and nine
and five-tenths feet to a stake, south seventeen degrees thirty-eight
minutes east one thousand three hundred four feet to
a stake in Martin's lot one hundred eighty and four-tenths


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feet beyond an iron in Harris Road, thence through Martin's,
Misses Harris and Monte Vista south sixty-one degrees fifty-two
minutes west one thousand six hundred eighty-one and
two-tenths feet to a stake, thence through Monte Vista and
Jefferson Park north forty-three degrees eight minutes west
at one hundred thirty-two and one-tenth feet a point which
is south twelve west seventeen and six-tenths feet from iron
at southwest corner Harry Gay lot at end of Monte Vista
Avenue at six hundred eighty-two and two-tenths feet Old
Lynchburg Road in all one thousand five hundred fifty-nine
feet to a stake back of Eton Circle, thence north twenty-three
degrees nineteen minutes west four hundred twelve and seven-tenths
feet to a stake in lot No. 39 (J. M. Clark & Sons)
six and four-tenths feet beyond line of lot No. 40 (Johnson),
thence north two degrees forty minutes west at one hundred
forty-four feet a stack in line of lot No. 38 (Blume) and
two hundred twenty-seven and eight-tenths feet from iron
on Hill Top Road a corner of Clark, and Blume, at two thousand
and ninety-seven feet a stake in north edge Stribling
Avenue fifty-one and seven-tenths feet west of iron corner to
Lovell, at two thousand five hundred seven and six-tenths
feet center Southern R. R. one thousand ninety-seven feet
northeast from mile post 114, at three thousand three hundred
eleven and five-tenths feet stake north margin state road
No. 29, one hundred twenty-eight and nine-tenths feet west
of iron at corner Piedmont Street, at four thousand one hundred
seventy-eight feet Old Lynchburg Road one hundred
twenty-six feet west of iron, thence crossing said road to its
northern margin in the same line to a point, thence in an
easterly direction along the northern margin of said road to
the western boundary of the University of Virginia lands;
thence with the dividing line between the lands of the University
of Virginia and Homer Richey in a northerly and
westerly direction to a point on the line which crosses U. S.
29 and previously described as having a course of north two
degrees forty minutes west; thence with said line north two
degrees forty minutes west to an iron fifty-one and eight-tenths
feet beyond center of Observatory Road, thence a line
north thirty-seven degrees fifty-eight minutes east to the line
of the property of W. C. Chamberlain, thence in an easterly
direction with said Chamberlain line to the eastern margin


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of the cemetery road, thence with the eastern margin of said
cemetery road in a northwesterly and northeasterly direction
to the southern margin of state road No. 250; thence crossing
said road to an iron thirty feet from the center of same, said
crossing of the center line of Ivy Road being approximately
seven hundred seventy-two feet east of the center of the
underpass on the Owensville Road; thence through Massie
and Duke north sixty degrees thirty-four minutes east three
hundred seventy-seven and six-tenths feet to an iron in the
center C. & O. R. R. nine hundred forty-five feet east of center
bridge over Owensville Road and one thousand eight hundred
and one feet west of center bridge over state road No.
29; thence north seventy-four degrees forty-five minutes east
one thousand five hundred and seven and four-tenths feet to
stake north thirty-nine degrees forty-nine minutes east two
hundred fifty-five and eight-tenths feet to a stake, north one
degree fifty minutes east two hundred forty-one and six-tenths
feet to a stake, north twenty-four degrees fifty-one
minutes east one thousand two hundred eighty-four feet to a
stake and small sassafras pt. on hill, north forty-one degrees
six minutes east four hundred seventy-four and three-tenths
feet to a stake and small sassafras pt. on hill, north forty-one
degrees fifty-one minutes east five hundred and one and
six-tenths feet to a stake twenty-six feet left of Meadow
Creek north twenty degrees fifty-three minutes east three
hundred thirty-two feet to a stake, thence crossing Meadow
Creek north fifty-seven degrees sixteen minutes east one hundred
and eight and nine-tenths feet to a stake, north forty-seven
degrees fifty-four minutes east two hundred and five
feet to stake, thence recrossing Meadow Creek north fifty-three
degrees fourteen minutes east three hundred fifty and
five-tenths feet to nail in center Barracks Road two hundred
ninety-two feet north and west from center state road No. 29,
thence through Siegfried north thirty-one degrees fifty-four
minutes east nine hundred twenty-one and five-tenths feet to
stake, thence south eighty-degrees forty minutes east at three
hundred and two and four-tenths feet center state road No. 29,
thence through Virginia Earhart, City of Charlottesville, and
Meadow Brook Hills, in all two thousand one hundred thirty-six
feet to a stake in Meadow Brook Hills, thence north
seventy-two degrees twenty minutes east four hundred ninety-nine


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and one-tenth feet to an iron in south edge macadam
Hydraulic Road (Rugby Road extended), thence with the
southern margin of Hydraulic Road in an easterly direction
to its intersection with the northern margin of Dairy Road
projected, thence in an easterly direction with the northern
margin of Dairy Road to its intersection with the eastern
margin of Hill Top Road, thence in a southerly direction with
the eastern margin of Hill Top Road, to a concrete monument
on said road at a point which is south fifteen degrees thirty-three
minutes from a stake located ten feet southeast of a
large poplar south of Dairy Road to its intersection with the
eastern margin of Hill Top Road, of Gentry Woods, thence
through Rugby Hills and E. K. O'Brien tracts south thirty-five
degrees twenty-eight minutes east to the western line of
the McIntire municipal park, thence in a northeasterly, southeasterly
and southerly direction with the northwesterly,
northerly and easterly lines of the McIntire municipal park
to a concrete monument of Schenk's Branch, thence south
eighty-one degrees thirty-one minutes east crossing an iron
in Park Street, extended, sixty-seven and eight-tenths feet
southwest from the southwest corner of a capstone on the
north rock column of the Wilder most northerly entrance,
and continuing thence by the same course through the lands
of Wilder to a stake in Smith's land two hundred thirty and
six-tenths feet northwest of the iron corner at the present
corporation line at the end of Locust Avenue, thence south
eight degrees twenty minutes south two hundred thirty and
six-tenths feet to iron at end of Locust Avenue corner
present corporation line in all three thousand one hundred
twenty-six and five-tenths feet to point on outside edge of
five-foot cement walk and one and six-tenths feet from its
northwest corner at southwest corner bridge over the Rivanna
River, thence through Albemarle golf course south thirteen
degrees one minute west three hundred ten and eight-tenths
feet to stake near west bank Rivanna River, thence south
thirty-eight degrees twenty-four minutes west two hundred
eighty-nine and three-tenths feet to stake, south twenty-one
degrees twenty-nine minutes west three hundred eighty-six
and one-tenth feet to a stake, south one degree thirty-four
minutes west three hundred fourteen feet to stake, south four
degrees thirty-six minutes west three hundred ninety-four


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and seven-tenths feet to stake, south nineteen degrees thirty-nine
minutes west three hundred fifty-five and four-tenths
feet to stake, south twenty-two degrees two minutes west
two hundred fifty-seven and four-tenths feet to a stake, and
south seven degrees thirty minutes east one hundred thirty-six
and five-tenths feet to a stake, thence leaving river south
twenty-five degrees forty-one minutes west at one thousand
four hundred ninety-six feet center concrete Woolen Mills
Road, thence through N. F. Leake & c. at two thousand five
hundred eighty-seven and six-tenths feet iron center C. & O.
R. R. one thousand one hundred nineteen and five-tenths feet
east of Richmond and Clifton Forge division sign, thence
through Horace Ferron, & c. at two thousand seven hundred
fifty-eight and seven-tenths feet an iron in all three thousand
and fifty-nine and three-tenths feet to iron in north bank Carlton
Road, thence in a southeasterly direction to a point on
Franklin Street, which point is one hundred fifty feet east of
the eastern margin of Nassau Street, thence a line in a southwesterly
direction one hundred fifty feet east of and parallel
to the eastern margin of Nassau Street, thence continuing said
line in a westerly direction one hundred fifty feet south of
and parallel to the southern margin of Nassau Street to its
intersection with the eastern margin of Monticello Road,
thence in a southerly direction with the eastern margin of
Monticello Road to a monument opposite the southern margin
of the old Quarry Road, thence in a westerly direction with
the southern margin of said old Quarry Road, to a concrete
monument between Rockland and Palatine Avenues, thence
a line north fifty-nine degrees five minutes west to an iron
in the east bank of the old Scottsville Road or Sixth Street,
S. E., thence with present corporate line north seventy-eight
degrees fifty minutes west two thousand three hundred forty-two
feet to the beginning, shall be and is hereby, made the
City of Charlottesville; and the inhabitants of the City of
Charlottesville for all purposes for which towns and cities
are incorporated in this commonwealth, shall continue to be
one body, politic in fact and in name, under the style and
denomination of the City of Charlottesville, and as such shall
have all the rights, immunities, powers, and privileges, and
be subject to all the duties and obligations now incumbent
and pertaining to said city as a municipal corporation; and


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by that name may sue and be sued, and be subject to all the
provisions of the Code of Virginia, except so far as may be
herein otherwise provided.