University of Virginia Library


Page 40



Accounts, personal, 22, 26, 30, 35,
37, 38, 39

—, plantation, 35

Adams, John, letters of, 24

—, John Quincy, 27

Admiralty, courts of, suppressed
in America, 28

Agg, John, letters of, 22

Agriculture, 26, 27, 34, 35

wheat thrashing, 35

Alabama, 25

Albemarle Co., Va., 30, 39

Alexandria, Va., Red Cross Canteen,

Alligators, hunting of, 36

Almanacs, 19, 26

Ambler, Catherine, letters of, 19

—, Elizabeth Barbour Collection,

letters of, 19

—, John, papers of, 19

—, John Jaquelin, dairy of, 19

European tour of, 19

Gift of oysters to Dolly
Madison, 19

Monroe's letter of recommendation
to, 19

papers of, 19

—, John Jaquelin, Jr., papers of,

student at the University of
Virginia, 19

—, Philip P., letters of, 19

Amherst Co., Va., Ambler estate
in, 19

Amos, William H., letters of, 27

Anderson, John, letters of, 28

—, Mrs. T. A., gift of, 25

Armistead, John C., letters of, 25

Armour, Alexander W., gift of, 36

Athawes, Edward, 35

—, Samuel, letters of, 19, 33

Augusta, Ga., 22


Backhouse & Rutson, correspondence,

Bailey, Jacob Whitman, letters of,

—, William M., letters of, 19

Baird, Mrs. Charles J., gift of, 20

Baltimore, Md., 28

—, Sun, clipping from, 20

Balz, Albert G. A., gift of, 37

Bancroft, George, letters of, 23

Bankhead, Charles L., letters of,

Banking, 24

Banks, B. A., gift of, 38

—, John, 39

Barbour, Elizabeth, see Ambler,
Elizabeth Barbour

—, James, letters of, 29

—, Philip P., appointment as
Judge of Eastern District
of Virginia, 19

appointment as Judge of
Virginia General Court, 19

appointment to U. S.
Supreme Court, 19

purchase of slaves, 19

Barnes, John, correspondence with
Thomas Jefferson, 24

Barnham, England, 26

Battle of Horse Shoe Bend, map
of, 22

Battle of Jenkins Ferry, description
of, 27

Beauregard, Pierre Gustave, permit
by, 20

Bedford Plantation, Augusta, Ga.,

Bellona Arsenal, Va., description
of officers' duties, 19

Bentley, Phyllis, letters of, 20

Benton, Thomas Hart, letters of, 29

Berkeley, Frederick A., Fifth Earl
of, letters of, 20

—, Nelson, 35

Beverley, Robert, 35, 39

Blair, John, documents signed, 21
letters of, 33

Blunt's Nautical Almanack, 26

Bonaparte, Jerome, letters of, 26

Bonnycastle, Dr. Charles, 37

Book plates, 38

Booker, J. M., letters of, 27

—, John, papers of, 27

Boston, Mass., Marine Hospital, 28

Bowditch, Nathaniel, letters of, 26

Boyd, Julian P., editor of Jefferson's
writings, 26

Boyle, James, account book of, 26

Breckenridge, James, letters of, 24

British America, suppression of
Courts of Admiralty in, 28

British Columbia, ports of, 34

Brockenbrough, John, letters of,

—, William, 35

Brown, Daniel, letters of, 28


Page 41

—, Edward, papers, anti-Jefferson
tract, 28

—, James, letters of, 24

Browne, William, Jr., letters of, 33

Bryan, Daniel, bill of sale, 19

Bunker Hill, battle of, 39

Burra Burra Magnesium Mines, 23

Business records, 21, 26, 27, 30, 35,

Guadix, Spain, 25

Byrd, William, 39


Cabell, Elvira, gift of, 20

—, J. L., letters of, 23

—, William D., papers of, 20

—, William H., letters of, 29

Carey, Mathew, letters to, 21

Carolina Co., Va., 30, 35

Carr, Boucher, papers of, 20

—, Dabney S., letters of, 24

—, Daniel F., letters of, 20

—, Frank, letters of, 20

—, Overton, letters of, 20

—, Peter, letters of, 20, 24

—, Samuel, letters of, 20

—, Sidney N., letters of, 24

Carr-Cary Collection, 20

Carrier, C. J., gift of, 38

Carrington, Henry A., valedictory
oration, 37

Carroll, Charles, letters of, 24

—, John, of Carrolltown, 27

Carter, Charles, 35

—, John, 35

—, Landon (1700-1778), papers of,

diary of, 35

notes by, 20-21

—, Landon (1760-1800), papers
of, 35

—, Maria L., bill of rental for
slaves, 27

—, Robert Wormeley, papers of,

—, family, papers, 35

Cary, Clarence, poem by, 20

—, Jane, letters of, 24

—, Miles, letters of, 33

—, Mrs. Sidney, 20

—, Wilson, diary of, 20

—, Wilson Miles, diary of, 20

genealogy of, 20

—, Wilson Miles Memorial Collection,

—, family, papers of, 20

Case, Albert V., gift in memory of,

—, Mrs. Albert H., gift of, 25

Caswell Co., N. C., 25

Catholics, in America, 23

Central Union, history of, 38

Charleston, S. C., during American
Revolution, 22

Charlotte Co., Va., 37

Charlottesville, Va., 36

account book from, 21

Confederate graves, 21

description of, 25

Maplewood Cemetery, 21

The Charms of Lovely Peggy
(music), 36

Chase, Samuel, impeachment of,

Cheese, presented to Thomas Jefferson,

Cheshire, Mass., 28

China, letters from, 27

Churches, receipts for monies, 25

Civil War Collection, 21

Civil War, Battle of Jenkins Ferry,

—, Confederate money orders, 26

—, description of battles in Louisiana
and Texas, 27

—, grievances of the Confederate
Soldier, 38

—, letters of George Wythe Randolph,
Confederate Secretary
of War, 24

—, Lincoln's comments on strikes,

—, materials on, 23

—, papers, 27

—, Peace Conventions to prevent
it, 37

—, southern women in, 20

—, University of Virginia during,

—, Washington Peace Convention,

Clay, Charles, letters of, 24

—, Henry, criticized by John Randolph,

invitation to Nashville,
Tenn., 22

letters of, 21-22, 24

Secretary of State, 21

Clemons, Harry, correspondence,

Cobb, Marian S., inherits slaves, 27

—, William, will of, 27

Cobbett, William, letters of, 24

Coffin, William, letters to, 22

Coffman, Mrs. Dabney, gift of, 37

Cohen, Augustus E., letters to, 22


Page 42

Coleman, Mrs. Jane L., journals
of, 22

—, Dr. Warren, correspondence,

gift of, 22

—, family, papers of, 22

Coles, J. A., correspondence, 27

College Topics, letters on co-education,

Confederacy, grievances of soldiers,

Confederate, graves, Charlottesville,
Va., 21

—, veteran's organizations, 29

Connecticut, Jefferson's unpopularity
in, 28

Consolvo, Charles H., gift of, 38

Consular plate, listing of, 30

Cook, Roy B., gift of, 37

Cooke, John E., letters of, 22

Coolidge, Ellen, letters of, 24

—, Joseph, letters of, 24

Corbin, Richard, 35

Cornwallis, Lord Charles, letters
of, 22

Cosway, Maria, comments on
Catholics in America, 23

letters to Thomas Jefferson,

life in London, 23

sale of etchings, 23

songs composed by, 36

Cotton, Virginia and North Carollina

Coxe, Tench, letters of, 24

Currency, 24

uncut paper money, 38

—, bank, Clay's comments on, 22

Currie, James, letters of, 24


Davenport, Joseph, letters to, 33

Davis, Mrs. Edith S., author, 38

gift of, 38

—, Jefferson, correspondence, 21,

—, John S., papers of, 23, 37

—, Mrs. John S., gift of, 23

Day, Benjamin, letters, 33

Deeds, 26, 35

Delano, Jonathan, appointment of,

de Tessi, Comtesse, correspondence,

Detroit Public Library, gift of, 28

Diaries, 19, 20, 22, 24, 35, 37

Dicke, Mrs. Gerhard, gift of, 20

Donald, Andrew, letters of, 24

Dudley, Joseph, 27

Dulger, Eli, letters of, 39

Dunglison, Robley, letters of, 23

Dunmore, John M. Earl of, documents
by, 20-21

Dunnington, Francis P., papers of,

Dunnington Estate, gift of, 23

Duraldi, Martin, burial of, 22

Dwight, James, letters of, 25


Earle, James Y., letters to, 22

Economics, world, 29

Edgehill-Randolph Collection, 2324

Elm Wood, Va., 24

Embargo Act, difficulties of, 28

Eppes, Francis, letters of, 24

—, John Wayles, letters, 24, 28

—, Maria Jefferson, letters, 24, 27

—, family, financial troubles of, 24

Essex Co., Va., 24, 25

Europe, descriptions of, 19, 22

Everett, Edward, letters, 24, 27

Eyre, James P. Wilson, 37


Fairfax, G. W., 35

Fairfield, Va., 29

Fauntleroy, Moore, 35

Fayerweather, Daniel B., will of,

Federal Reserve Bank, Richmond,
Va., gift of, 24

A Fitting Habitation, 34

Fitzhugh, William, 35

Floyd, John, letters of, 29

Flynn, Mrs. John, gift of, 38

Fonerden, James, letters of, 23

Forrest, William M., prayer, 37

Fosick, J. E., letters of, 39

Fowey, Man of War, 21

Foy, Nathaniel, 39

Freedom Farewell, review of, 20

Freeman, Douglas S., letters of, 26

Fry, Joseph, letters of, 24

Fuentses y Padilla, Don Diego de,
papers of, 25


Gallatin, Albert, letters of, 24

Garnett, Grace Fenton, diary of,

—, James Mercer, correspondence,

—, Minnie, see Mitchell, Mrs. J.


Page 43

—, Muscoe R. H., letters of, 25

Garrick, David, poem by, 36

Geismar, Baron—, comment on
Monticello, 27

Gell, J., 39

Genealogies, 20, 22, 26

Georgia, 25

Germany, Jefferson's comment on,

Gerry, Eldridge, letters of, 24

Giberne, Isaac W., 35

Gilmer, George, letters of, 24, 27

Glenambler, owned by Ambler
family, 19

Gooch, Robert Kent, syllabus by,

Grant, Ulysses S., notes of, 21

Gratton, Lucy G., album, 37

Graves, Barzillia, letters of, 25

—, Imerson L., letters of, 25

—, S. S., letters of, 25

—, Sally, letters of, 25

—, Thomas, letters of, 25

—, family, papers of, 25

Great Britain, Courts of Admiralty,

—, Man of War, Fowey, 20-21

—, merchant trade with Virginia,

—, Parliament, Mss. Rolls, 26

—, politics, 21

—, trial before the House of Lords
on legitimacy of Berkeley's
sons, 20

Green, Nathaniel, letters of, 22

Grenada, Spain, receipts for
church monies, 25

Griffen, Burgess, letters of, 24

—, H. D., letters to, 26

Groome, H. C., letters of, 26

Guadix, Spain, materials from, 25


Hail Liberty the Sweetest Bliss. . .
(music), 36

Hall, —, letters to, 22

Hamilton, Alexander, letters of,
24, 27

—, Mrs. Sally, gift of, 38

Handley, George, letters of, 22

Hanson, Richard, letters of, 24

Harley, John P., 27

Harris, Henry, letters of, 29

—, J. Morrison, letters to, 22

—, R. F., account book of hardware
store, 21

Harrison, Fairfax, papers of, 26

—, Francis B., gift of, 28

—, Samuel, letters to, 28

—, William Henry, letters of, 27

—, family, papers of, 26

Harvie, John, letters of, 24

Health, public, Roanoke, Va., 34

Heineman, D. N., gift of, 29

Henderson, Henry, letters of, 25

Highman, Philip, gift of, 20

Historical societies, 29, 33

Hitchcock, Edward, letters of, 26

Hoboken, N. J., 30

Hollingsworth, Jacob, letters of,

Hotchkiss, Jedediah, letters of, 29

Houston, family, papers of, 22

Howe, John, letters to, 26

—, L. W. letters of, 26

Howells, William Dean, letters of,

Hunter, Mrs. R. M. T., letters to, 30

—, Sally H. A., letters to, 25

Husband, Herman, biography of,

Hutter, Christian J., letters of, 26

—, Christian S., Jr., gifts of, 26-27

—, Edward S., papers of, 26

—, Emily W., inherits Poplar Forest,

—, family, papers of, 26-27

Hylton, David, letters of, 24


Indentures, 26

Indian Wars, 1830's, 25

Insurance, federal deposit, 24

Italy, Jefferson's comment on, 23


Jackson, Andrew, 19

James II, petition to, 21

James, Hugh, 39

Japan, letters from, 27

Jaquelin Hall, owned by Ambler
family, 19

Jefferson, Maria, see Eppes, Maria

—, Martha (daughter of Thomas
Jefferson), see Randolph,
Martha (Jefferson)

—, Peter, comment on by Baron
Geismar, 27

—, Thomas, anti-Jefferson tract,

bicentennial celebration,
University of Virginia, 36

case book, 27

cheese presented to, 1801, 28

correspondence in Edgehill-Randolph
Collection, 2324


Page 44

correspondence with John
Barnes, 24

correspondence with Maria
Cosway, 23

document signed by, 28

fee book, 27

inauguration music, 28

introduction to Dr. John
Morgan, 27

letters, 20, 27

list of candidates for public
office, 28

mss. for Notes on Virginia,

music for passages from his
writings, 36

Notes on Virginia, 27

papers, 27-28

plans for Oak Hill, Va., 28

trip to Italy, 23

trip to Southern Germany,

writings of, edited, 26

Jeffries, George M., letters of, 27

Jervis Library, gift of, 28

Jkin, Arthur, letters to, 33

John Carter Brown Library, gift
of, 20

Johnson, Carter P., 23

—, J. Edward, gift of, 37

letters of, 37

—, William P., letters of, 21

Jones, Walter, 35


Kean, Jefferson Randolph, correspondence,

gifts of, 26, 28

Kennedy, Robert J., gift of, 34

—, William E., letters of, 22

Kentucky, University of, Clay
visits, 22

Kinsolving, Rev. Wythe L., gift
of, 30

Kirby, William, letters of, 26

Kirby-Smith, Francis, letters of,

Kosciuszko Thaddeus, letters of,

Kyle, B. H., letters of, 39


Labor problems, Civil War, 29

Lafayette, Marquis de, letters of,

visit to Virginia, 26

Lambeth, Surey, England, 26

Land grants, Indiana Territory, 28

—, sales, Jefferson's comment on,

—, speculation, western, 29

Yazoo, 34

—, surveys, 35

—, titles, Spanish, 25

Virginia, 24

Landmarks of Old Prince William,

Lawrence, D. H., letters of, 27

—, S. letters to, 22

Lawsuits, 21

Lazenby, Mary E., 26

Lee, Francis L., 35

—, Henry, correspondence with
Wilson Cary Nicholas, 24

—, Richard Bland, letters of, 29

—, Richard Henry, letters, 24

—, Robert E., letters of, 20, 35

—, Thomas Ludwell, letters of, 19

—, Wiliam, letters of, 26

—, W. Byrd, letters of, 39

Lefever, Albert, funeral of, 37

Leigh, William, letters of, 34

Letcher, Greenlee D., gift of, 33

Lewis, Nicholas, letters of, 24

Lexington, Ky., 22

—, Gazette, clippings from, 33

Lincoln, Abraham, kidnapping of
planned, 21

letters of, 29

notes of, 21

Lippman, Walter, letters to, 29

Lisbon, Portugal, description of
U. S. Embassy, 30

Litchfield, Conn., 28

Live-stock raising, 26

Liverpool, England, tobacco merchants
in, 39

Lloyd, William, 35

London, England, 21

Loretto, Va., trip from, 25

Louisiana, Civil War battles in, 27

Louthan, Henry T., gifts of, 21, 35,

letters to, 21, 38

Lowerby, Mr., —, letters to,

Lyle, James, letters of, 24

Lynchburg, Va., 26


McCarty, Daniel, 35

McClellan, Dr. —, letters to, 22

McClenny, Wilbur E., gift of, 36

McClure, Charles, papers of, 29

—, estate, gift of, 29

McDonald, M. W., letters of, 39


Page 45

—, Rose E., gift of, 39

McDowell, James, papers of, 29

—, family, papers of, 29

McEwen, Alfred B., gift of, 20

review of Freedom Farewell,

—, Hetty, letters of, 22

—, R. H., letters of, 22

map by, 22

—, family, materials on, 22

Mackay, G., 39

MacMahon, Bernard, correspondence,

McNary, —, letters to, 22

Macon, T. L., letters of, 23

McPherson, Mrs. E. H., gifts of, 38

McVitty, Samuel H., gift of, 28

Madison, Dorothy Payne, letters
of, 19

—, James, document signed, 29

letters of, 24

visited by Clay in 1832, 22

Mansfield, Katherine, letters of, 27

Manson, John C., commission, 29

—, W. C., gift of, 29

Maphis, Charles G., papers of, 30

—, Mrs. Charles G., gift of, 30

Maphis's Drug Store, accounts
from, 30

Maplewood Cemetery, Charlottesville,
Va., chart of

Confederate crosses, 21

Maps, Virginia, 26, 35

—, world, 29, 38

Martin, Hetty Cary P., description,

—, Thomas B., 35

Maryland, elections in 1800, 28

Mason, Stevens T., letters of, 28

Massachusetts, Whigs in, 22

Massie, N. H., letters of, 23

Maury, Anne, letters, 30

—, Henry, letters to, 30

—, James, letters of, 24, 30

—, Jane, see Maverick, Mrs. Albert

—, Nan, letters to, 30

—, William, letters of, 30

—, family, papers, 30

Maverick, Mrs. Albert, author, 30

gift of, 30

—, family, papers, 30

Maxey, —, letters to, 22

May, James, letters of, 28

Mazzei, Philip, letters of, 24

Meade, Bishop R. K., letters of, 24

—, Margaret C., letters to, 22

Meany, Capt. John, letters to, 22

Mexican War, 25

Michigan, territorial government
in, 28

Mining, magnesium, 23

Minor, John, 35

—, Lucian, letters of, 23

Mitchell, Mrs. J. Clayton, copy
books of, 30

gifts of, 24, 25, 30, 34

letters of, 30

Moncrieff, Maj. James, letters to,

Money, see Currency

Monroe, James, correspondence,
19, 20, 24

Monticello, Va., 24

comment on, by Baron
Geismar, 27

description of, 25

Maria Eppes, proposed trip
to, 27

Morgan, John, letters to, 27

Morley, Felix, letters to, 29

Morris, Robert, letters of, 24

Moss's Neck Estate, sale of slaves,

Mott, George M., letters of, 39

Music, by Maria Cosway, 36

—, Jefferson's inauguration, 28


Napier, C. M., 39

Nashville, Tenn., invites Clay, 22

Negroes, N. Y. A. projects in Va.,

—, sale of, 19

—, see also slavery

Nelson, Wiliam, letters, 33

Nelson Co., Va., 20

Netherlands, Ambassador to Great
Britain, 21

New Orleans, La., 22

New Yorker, letters to editors of,

Newspapers, 31-33

Whig, 22

Nicholas, Jane Hollins, see Randolph,
Mrs. Jane Nicholas

—, Margaret Smith, letters of, 24

—, Robert C., 35

—, Robert Carter, letters of, 19

—, Sarah Elizabeth, letters of, 24

—, Wilson Cary, papers of, 24

—, family, financial troubles, 24

Norfolk, Va., 33

Norton, John & Sons, letters, 33

Norwood, Va., 20

Norwood Literary Society, papers
of, 20


Page 46

Notes on the Government of the
U. S.,

Notes on Virginia, mss. pages of,


Oak Hill, Va., Jefferson sends
plans to Monroe, 28

Orange Co. Va., Ambler estate in,

Osgood, James R., letters to, 22


Page, John, 35

—, Mann, Jr., 39

—, Thomas Nelson, letters of, 20

—, Mrs. Walter H., gift of, 37

Patents, 26

Patterson, Mary Nicholas, letters
of, 24

Paxton, Elisha F., biography of, 33

Payne, Dorothy, see Madison, Dorothy

—, William P., letters of, 25

Peace Convention, 1861, materials
on, 37

Pegram, Mrs. John, 20

Pelham, Peter, 35

Pendleton, Edmund, letters to, 36,

Pennsylvania, U. S .judges in, 21

Peters, Richard, U. S. judge in
Pennsylvania, 21

—, Samuel, letters to, 22

Petersburg, Va., 33

Philadelphia, Penna., 22, 27

small pox vaccination in, 28

Philosophy, history of, 37

Pickering, Timothy, letters of, 24

Piedmont, Va., Maury family papers
from, 30

Pinkney, Thomas, letters of, 24

Pitt, George, letters, 33

Pleasants, James, Governor of
Virginia, 19, 26

Poetry, religious, 23

Political science courses, University
of Virginia, 25

Politics, Great Britain, 21

—, Massachusetts, 22

—, Virginia (Colony), 20-21, 2324,

—, Virginia (State), 24, 26, 28, 29,
33, 34, 39

—, U. S., 1800-1808, 28

1824, 26

1863, 29

1900-1943, 38

—, see also names of political

Poole, William F., letters of, 33

Poole's Index, corrections of 33

Poplar Forest, Va., surveys of, 26

Ports of British Columbia, 34

Pratt, Mrs. Harry see Rothery,

Prentis, Joseph, Jr., letters, 33

—, Joseph, Sr., letters, 33

—, Mary B., letters, 33

—, Robert, Jr., letters, 34

—, Robert, Sr., letters, 34

—, William, letters, 34

—, family, papers of, 33-34

Prices, lists of, 19

Prince William Co., Va., 26

Purdie, Alexander, 35


Quakers, 26

Quincy, William, 39

Quit rents, collection of, 35


Railroads, 25, 26, 38

Randolph, Anne Cary, letters of,

—, Edmund, letters, 24, 34

—, Elizabeth, letters of, 24

—, George Wythe, letters of, 24

—, Harriet, letters of, 24

—, Mrs. Jane Nicholas, correspondence,

—, John, of Roanoke, papers of,
24, 34

—, Margaret Nicholas, 24

—, Martha Jefferson, letters of, 24

—, Peter, letters of, 24

—, Sarah Nicholas, letters of, 24

—, Thomas Jefferson, letters of,

—, Mrs. Thomas Jefferson, see,
Randolph, Mrs. Jane

—, Thomas Mann, papers of, 24, 34

—, Mrs. Thomas Mann, see Randolph,
Mrs. Martha Jefferson

—, family, financial troubles, 24

Rappahannock River, Va., tobacco
planters on, 21

Recipes, 22

Red Cross Canteen, Alexandria,
Va., 39

Religious poetry, 23

Remsen, Henry, letters to, 34


Page 47

Revolutionary War, Battle of
Bunker Hill, 35, 39

—, Boston Tea Party, 35

—, Collection, 34

—, Cornwallis' comment on
southern campaign, 22

—, Dunmore's address to Virginia
Burgesses and Council, 20

—, French part in, 22

—, in Virginia, 1775, 35, 36

—, materials in Wormeley collection,

—, Stamp Act, 35

—, Virginia committees of Public
Safety, 35

—, Virginia Convention, 35

Rhett, R. Barnwell, letters of, 27

Rice, John, 35

Richmond, Va., 33, 36, 38

Port-Master at, 34

Richmond Co., Va., 35

Richmond Whig, 19

Righelliri, Signore—, letters
to, 23

Rind, William, 35

Ritchie, Thomas, 29

Rives, William C., letters of, 29

Roanoke, Va., minutes of Central
Union W.C.T.U., 38

—, survey of population, 34

Roberts, Joseph K., gifts of, 26, 37

Robinson, W. E., letters to, 22

Rockbridge Co., Va., 29

Rockbridge County Historical
Society, 33

Rockingham Co., Va., 27

Rogers, William B., letters of, 23

Rolls of Parliament, 26

Rose, Robert S., letters to, 22

Ross, Gertrude B., author, 38

Ross v. Barbour, Clay interested
in, 21

Rothery, Agnes, gift of, 34

papers of, 24

Rubiaz, S. K., gift of, 38

Rubsamen, Jacob, letters of, 27

Ruffin, Caryanne Randolph, 24

Rush, Benjamin, letters, 28, 35

Russell, Catherine, letters, 34

Rutson & Backhouse, correspondence,


Sabine Hall, papers, 35

Sabine River, Civil War battles
near, 27

St. Louis, Mo., social influence of,

St. Nicholas Magazine, 36

Saunders, Robert, Jr., letters to, 34

Scharf, Henry, letters of, 23

Seaton, W. W., letters of, 34

Seay family, papers, 35

Seldon, Ulysses, letters of, 28

Semple, James, letters, 34

Shaw, George, letters of, 19

—, H., letters to, 22

Ship yards, strikes in 1863, 29

Shrimpton, Thomas, letters to, 34

Shipping lists, 19

Short, William, letters of, 24

Sigma Xi, University of Virginia
members, 37

Skipworth, Peyton H., Jr., Latin
notebook, 37

Slaughter, Charles, gift of, 21

—, Mrs.—, permit to cross
Union lines, 21

Slavery, 19, 21, 27, 29

bills of rentals for slaves, 27

Clay's comments on, 22

description of slave sales,
1840, 25

purchase of slaves, 35

records of, on Bedford Plantation,

sale of slaves, 1850, 30

Small pox vaccination, 28

Smith, Caryanne Nicholas, letters
of, 24

—, Ella F., gift of, 21

—, F. H., natural philosophy
grade book, 37

—, John S., letters of, 28

—, Samuel, letters of, 24

—, family, financial troubles of, 24

South Carolina, magnesium mining
in, 23

Southern Historical Society, 29

Southern Railway Company, 26

Spanish-American War Collection,

Spanish-American War Veterans,
activities of, 36

Spoils system, 28

Spotswood, Alexander, letters, 34,

Stamp Act, Westmoreland Co.
Assoc., 34

Stanton, Edwin W., letters to, 29

Statistics, 29

Stevens, Thaddeus, letters of, 27

Stirling, T. D., letters of, 39

Stockton, Frank R., author, 36

Strickland, William, 39


Page 48

Stuart, Alexander H. H., letters of,

Suffolk, Va., 33


Tacite Ombre (music), 36

Tariffs, Clay's comments on, 22

Tavennor, Jennett A., diary of, 37

Taylor, John, of Caroline, letters
to, 24, 35

—, P. J., letters of, 23

—, Robert Coleman, papers of, 36

—, Mrs. Robert Coleman, gift of,

—, Virginia, letters of, 21

—, Walker, letters to, 21

plan to kidnap A. Lincoln,

The Testament of Freedom,
original mss. of, 36

Texas, Civil War battles in, 27

—, materials concerning, 30

Thompson, Randall, composer, 36

gift of, 36

Thornton, James R., grade books
in Latin and English, 37

—, William, letters to, 21

accounts of, 37

Tobacco, planters, labor problems,

—, sales, 35, 29

Todd, Dorothy, see Madison, Dorothy

Trent, Peterfield, letters to, 34

Trimble, Allen, letters of, 29

Trinidad, colonial trade with, 33

Trist, Elizabeth, letters of, 24

—, Nicholas, letters of, 24

—, Virginia J. Randolph, letters
of, 24

Tryon, William, 39

Tucker, St. George, letters to, 34

Twiggs family, materials on, 22

Tyler, John, papers of, 35, 37


Uhl, Raymond, gift of, 25

United Spanish War Veterans, 36

U. S., Agriculture Dept. of, gift, 28

—, Coast Guard Academy, gift of,

—, Congress, land bill of 1833,

Clay's comments on, 22

Randolph's speeches in, 34

—, Constitution, Jefferson concerning,

—, Consuls, listings of plate, 30

—, District Court of Eastern Virginia,
appointment of P.
P. Barbour, 19

—, embassy at Lisbon, Portugal,

—, Federal Reserve Banking, 24

—, foreign affairs in 1835, Clay's
comments on, 22

—, foreign policy, 26

—, government; safeguards of, 28

—, judges in Pennsylvania, 21

—, National Youth Administration
for Virginia, surveys of,

—, Navy, development of, 34

—, Navy Dept., commission to
John C. Manson, 29

orders to Edward S. Hutter,

—, notes on government, 25

—, Office of War Information,
recordings of The Testament
of Freedom,

—, Public Health Survey of Roanoke,
Va., 34

—, Senate, politics in 1863, 29

—, Supreme Court, appointment
of P. P. Barbour, 19


Vaccination, small pox, 28

Van Buren, Martin, letters of, 19,

Van Citters, Arnout, petition of, 21

Van Duren, Augustin, sold as
slave, 21

Vaughan, Joseph L., gift of, 37

Veterans, Confederate organizations,

—, Spanish-American, 36

Viett, George F., literary collection
of, 38

Virginia (Colony), Dunmore's
proclamations, 21

—, pre-Revolution politics, 20-21

—, trade with Trinidad, 33

Virginia (State), appointment to
General Court of
Philip P. Barbour, 19

—, banking, 35

—, General Assembly, 1825 session,

—, General Court appointment of
P. P. Barbour, 19

—, High Schools, W. C. T. U. contest
in, 39


Page 49

—, Jefferson's Notes on Virginia,

—, kidnapping of slaves for, 21

—, Lafayette's visit to, 26

—, loyalists in, 39

—, N.Y.A. Negro projects, 31

—, N.Y.A. Surveys in, 31

—, political results of Revolution
in, 35

—, politics, 1806-1808, 24

1830's, 29

—, railroads, 38

—, Revolution in, 36

—, social life in, 35

—, trade with West Indies, 39

Virginia, University of, accounts
of Students and Faculty
at Harris' Hardware Store,

—, Chapel Committee, 23

—, co-education in, 37

—, Collection, 37

—, construction of, 28

—, contract for student waiters at
Commons, 37

—, description of, in 1839, 25

—, description of studies, 1838, 25

—, Engineering School pictures,

—, English grade book, 37

—, geology examination, 37

—, Glee Club performance of The
Testament of Freedom,

—, gift of Presidet's Office, 31

—, gifts to library, 26, 28

—, history of philosophy courses,

—, invitations to faculty receptions,

—, Jefferson's plans for serpentine
wall, 28

—, John J. Ambler, Jr., student at,

—, Latin grade book, 37

—, Latin lectures, 37

—, law lectures, 37

—, Lefever's funeral, 37

—, legal dispute over will of D. B.
Fayerweather, 36

—, materials in Maphis Collection,

—, math lectures in, 37

—, Natural Philosophy grade
book, 37

—, notes for political science
course, 1934, 25

—, opening months of, 28

—, papers of Prof. John S. Davis,

—, serpentine wall, Jefferson's
plans for, 28

—, Sigma XI members, 37

—, student letters from, 1838, 25

—, student rebellion, 1837, 25

—, transfer from Reference Division,
Alderman Library,

—, uniforms at, 37

—, Washington Society invitation,
1883, 37

—, Washington Society orations,

—, Y .M. C. A. materials, 23

Virginia Gazette, 35


Wabash River, Ill., Clay's purchases
of land on, 21

Walker, Dugald S., book plate by,

letters of, 38

—, Thomas, letters of, 24

Wall, Richard, letters, 34

War of 1812, 29

map of the Battle of Horse
Shoe Bend, 22

Wars, see name of war

Washington, George death of, 34

letters of, 24

—, Lawrence, letters of, 26

Washington, D. C., Peace Convention
of 1861, 29, 37

—, social life, 35

—, Whig newspaper in 1838, 22

Washington Society, Univ. of Va.,

Waterhouse, Dr. Benjamin, appointment
to Marine Hospital,

Waterville, Me., 19

Watson, Mr. —, letters to, 21

Watt, John, letters of, 22

Webb, Robert H., gift of, 33

Welch, N., Jr., 39

Wellford, A. N., papers of, 35

—, John, 35

—, P. A., legal affairs, 38

letter book of, 38

Wertenbaker, Thomas G., biographical
sketch of, 38

letters of, 38

West Indies, reformation of Courts
of Admiralty, 28

—, trade with Virginia, 39


Page 50

Westmoreland Co., Va., Association
on Stamp Act, 34

Whig party, elections of 1831, 22

White Sulphur Springs, Va., description
of, 25, 35

Whitney, Eli, letters of, 24

Wilde, R. H., letters to, 22

Williamsburg, Va., 33

Wilson, James, letters of, 24

Winchester, Va., money from, 38

Wines, Jefferson's comment on, 28

—, use in Europe and America,
28, 35

W. C. T. U. of Va., Central, history,

—, collection, 38-39

—, history of, 38

—, local union directory, 39

—, minutes of Central Union, 38

—, programs, 38

Wood, James, letters of, 29, 39

Woodbridge, William, letters to,

World War I Collection, 39

—, letters from American soldiers
overseas, 39

—, materials on, in Viett Collection,

Wormeley, Elizabeth, 35

—, Ralph, 35, 39

—, family, papers of, 39

Wythe, George, letters of, 24, 34


Yancey, Mrs. Richard, gift of, 39

—, R. A., account books of, 39

Yancey Mills, Va., 39

Yazoo land claims, 34

Yonree, John R., geology examination,

Y. M. C. A., University of Virginia,