![]() | A catalogue of the officers and students of the University of Virginia | ![]() |

JUNE 27, 1872.
An. Anatomy.
A-S. Anglo-Saxon.
C&IL. Constitutional and International
Law.H. History.
IC. Industrial Chemistry.
J&IM. Jun. and Int. Mathematics.
L&R. Literature and Rhetoric.
M&G. Mineralogy and Geology.
MJ. Medical Jurisprudence.
PE. Political Economy.
Phy. Physiology.
Physics. Jun. Nat. Philosophy
Alexander, Jabin B., | Newbern, Va., | C&IL. |
Anderson, Joseph R., Jr., | Richmond, Va., | A-S. |
Atkinson, Theo. Ellis, | Meriwether co., Ga., | M&G. |
Atkinson, Wm. Mayo, | Winchester, Va., | C&IL. |
Baldwin, Oliver Perry, | Baltimore, Md., | C&IL. |
Balfour, Wm. Thomas, | Vicksburg, Miss., | MJ. |
Baylor, John Roy, Jr., | Albemarle co., Va., | H&IM, Physics. |
Baylor, James Bowen, | Albemarle co., Va., | M&G. |
Bibb, James E., | Louisa co., Va., | C&IL. |
Bodley, Temple, | Louisville, Ky., | H. |
Boykin, Elias Miller, | Charleston, S. C., | PE, C&IL. |
Boykin, Richard E., | Smithfield, Va., | C&IL. |
Brock, Henry Clay, | Richmond, Va., | Physics, M&G. |
Bryan, C. Braxton, | Fluvanna co., Va., | Physics, M&G. |
Burgess, Geo. Wesley, | Baton Rouge, La., | C&IL. |
Burwell, Geo. H., | Clarke co., Va., | C&IL. |
Carter, Henry Rose, | Hanover co., Va., | Physics, M&G. |
Charlton, W. Glasco, | Savannah, Ga., | MJ. |
Clark, Frank B., | Mobile, Ala., | C&IL. |
Cocke, Chas. Hartwell, | Powhatan co., Va., | Physics. |
Cooper, R. Muldrow, | Sumter co., S. C., | Physics, M&G. |
Crum, Floyd Edward, | Camden, Ala., | MJ. |
Dancy, William W., | Tarboro', N. C., | C&IL. |
DeJarnette, J. Hampton, | Caroline co., Va., | C&IL. |
Echols, Edward, | Staunton, Va., | C&IL. |
Ehlinger, Joseph, | Rossville, Texas, | C&IL. |
Elder, L. Melville, | Trenton, Tenn., | C&IL. |
Flanagin, Duncan, | Arkadelphia, Ark., | H. |
Forman, T. Throckmorton | Lexington, Ky., | M&G, L&R. |
Goodwin, R. Archer, | Wythville, Va., | M&G. |
Gordon, Graham, | Fredericksburg, Va., | L&R, C&IL. |
Graves, R. Henry, Jr., | Oxford, N. C., | Physics. |
Gordon, John Taylor, | Fredericksburg, Va., | C&IL. |
Green, Marcellus, | Jackson, Miss., | PE. |
Griffin, Wingfield, | Roanoke co., Va., | C&IL. |
Hardy, J. Ousley, | Arkadelphia, Ark., | A-S. |
Harris, Jason Albert, | Newbern, Va., | MJ. |
Herndon, C. George, | Culpeper co., Va., | MJ. |
Hill, James Alex., | Madison co., Va., | MJ, An. |
Holladay, Waller, | Albemarle co., Va., | M&G. |
Hope, Wm. Theodore, | Lenoir's, Tenn., | MJ, An. |
Houston, Allan Polk, | Louisville, Ky., | C&IL. |
Houston, John Pugh, | Athens, Ala., | C&IL. |
Hume, Mareen D., | Beltsville, Md., | An. |
Jacobs, Edwin, | Columbia, Mo., | C&IL. |
Johnson, B. Estes, | Louisa co., Va., | M&G. |
Johnson, William E., | Camden, S. C., | M&G. |
Jenkins, C. Augustus, | Yazoo city, Miss., | L&R. |
Jones, R. Arthur, | La Grange, Tenn., | A-S. |
Jordan, James Bascom, | Dublin, Va., | MJ. |
Kasey, McLeod, | Bedford co., Va., | L&R, PE, C&IL. |
Kennedy, Timothy D., | Anderson, S. C., | C&IL. |
Kinnaird, Joseph Morris, | Fayette co., Ky., | L&R. |
Laidley, John B., | Barboursville, W. V. | C&IL. |
Lewis, S. Francis, | New Orleans, La., | J&IM. |
Lowry, S. Hickman, | Huntsville, Ala., | MJ. |
McCue, M. Lobban, | Alb marle co., Va., | MJ. |
McCluer, Curtis, | O'Fallon, Mo., | C&IL. |
McKown, Zephaniah S., | Winchester, Va., | MJ, An. |
McNiel, Franklin, | Laurel Hill, N. C., | C&IL. |
Marvin, Fielding, | St. Louis, Mo., | C&IL. |
Mason, George, | Alexandria, Va., | C&IL. |
Mastin, Thomas Fearn, | Huntsville, Ala., | C&IL. |
Moncure, William, | Culpeper co., Va., | M&G. |
Moncure, Wm. Eustis, | Falmouth, Va., | C&IL. |
Moore, Wm. Henry, | Baltimore, Md., | M&G, MJ. |
Nadenbousch, James F., | Martinsburg, W. V. | C&IL. |
Ninde, Julien Ridgley, | King George co., Va | MJ. |
Orr, James L., Jr., | Anderson, S. C., | C&IL. |
Overton, Dabney Carr, | Newport, Ky., | MJ. |
Pope, Joseph B., | Southampton co., Va | C&IL. |
Prewitte, Robert Oliver, | Grand Jun., Tenn., | A-S. |
Reed, Wm. Harvey, | Baltimore, Md., | A-S. |
Rector, Elbridge Lee, | Austin, Texas, | Physics, M&G, L&R. |
Rector, Wm. Elias, | Hot Springs, Ark., | C&IL. |
Semmes, John Edward, | Baltimore, Md., | IC. |
Shelton, William, | Raymond, Miss., | M&G. |
Shelton, Samuel E., | Nelson co., Va., | MJ. |
Southall, Philip T., | Amelia co., Va., | MJ. |
Steele, John Nelson, | Baltimore, Md., | PE, C&IL. |
Stover, John Marshall, | Augusta co., Va., | MJ. |
Thornton, William M., | Prince Edw. co., Va. | A-S. |
Tinges, Albert H., | Baltimore, Md., | M&G. |
Vermillion, Levi W., | Dublin, Va., | MJ. |
Wait, Charles Edmund, | Little Rock, Ark., | IC. |
Walker, Amos Clark, | Nacogdoches, Texas, | MJ. |
Walker, John Frost, | Columbia, S. C., | MJ. |
Watkins, T. Gholson, | Petersburg, Va., | C&IL. |
Williams, Goodwin H., | Baltimore, Md., | C&IL. |
Wilson, William E., | Elkton, Tenn., | Physics. |
Winston, Howard, | King & Queen co., V, | M&G. |
Winston, Samuel F., | King & Queen co., V, | C&IL. |
Winchester, Thomas P., | Memphis, Tenn., | C&IL. |
Whittaker, Harrison M., | Jefferson, Texas, | PE. |

Anatomy | 4 |
Anglo-Saxon | 6 |
History | 2 |
Industrial Chemistry | 2 |
Junior and Intermediate Mathematics | 2 |
International and Constitutional Law | 38 |
Literature and Rhetoric | 6 |
Medical Jurisprudence | 20 |
Mineralogy and Geology | 17 |
Physics | 9 |
Political Economy | 5 |
![]() | A catalogue of the officers and students of the University of Virginia | ![]() |