![]() | Catalogue of the officers and students of the University of Virginia | ![]() |

To be admitted into the University, the Student must be sixteen
years of age; but the Faculty are authorised to dispense with this requisition
in the case of application for admission by two brothers, one of
whom is under the age of sixteen.
If the applicant for admission has been a student at any other incorporated
seminary, he cannot be received, but on producing a certificate
from such seminary, or other satisfactory evidence to the Faculty, with
respect to his general good conduct.
Every Student is free to attend the Schools of his choice, and no
other than he chooses; provided, that if under the age of twenty-one,
he shall attend at least three professors, unless he has the written authority
of his parent or guardian, or the Faculty shall, for good cause
shewn, allow him to attend less than three. The qualifications of the
Student to enter the Schools of Antient Languages, Mathematics, and
Natural Philosophy, are tested by previous examinations.
Before a student matriculates, he is furnished with a copy of the
laws, which he is required to read. On matriculating, he signs a written
declaration, that he will conform to those laws, and, if he be a resident
student, that he has deposited with the Patron all the funds in his
In each School, there are three regular lectures a week; besides
which, there are in most of them extra lectures suited to the several
classes into which the school is divided. The mode of instruction is
by text-books and lectures, accompanied by rigid examinations. The
course pursued in each school, is as follows.

Professor Harrison.—In this school are taught the Latin and
Greek Languages, and Literature, and the Hebrew Language. The
instruction, given by prelections and examinations, comprises the
following subjects:
1. The formation and composition of words, and the laws by which
they are governed.
2. The primary and secondary signification of words and the principles
by which they must be ascertained.
3. Syntax.—The relations which words sustain to each other in a
sentence, are taught at the same time and in connexion with their endings,
the latter serving, with the aid of prepositions, &c., as signs of the former.
The importance of attending to the order in which words are arranged
in a sentence, and of being careful to read the words and members
of a sentence just as they stand in the Latin and Greek authors,
is insisted upon. The other idomatic peculiarities are carefully noticed.
4. Metres and Quantity.—These are objects of constant attention.
5. The Greek and Roman History, Geography, and Literature, are
taught by prelections, and by commenting on portions of the text-books
appointed to be read. These form part of the studies of the senior
The text-books are:
In the Junior Latin Class:—Horace, Cicero's Epistles ad Diversos,
Terence, and Cæsar's Comment; the last chiefly with a view to
the written exercises. Zumpt's Latin Grammar is referred to. The
student should have Lempriere's Classical Dictionary, new edition by
Anthon, in two vols.; Adams' Roman Antiquities, and the Antient, with
corresponding Maps of the series published by the "Society for the
diffusion of useful knowledge," or the "Æton Comparative Atlas."
In the Senior Latin Class: —Juvenal, Livy, and Tacitus. Of both
Livy and Tacitus the student should have the whole works, so far as
they remain.
In the Junior Greek Class:—Xenophon's Anabasis, a play of Euripides,
or Æschylus, and Herodotus. Buttmann's Greek Grammar, is
referred to;—the `Larger' Grammar of Buttmann, by Robinson, is to
be preferred. Donnegan's Greek and English Lexicon, and Thiersch's
Greek Tables by Patton, are recommended.
In the Senior Greek Class:—Euripides, Sophocles, Thucydides,
and Homer. In the prelections to this class, it is attempted to introduce
the student into the higher departments of grammatical criticism;
references are made to the large Grammar of Matthiæ, and to the annotations
of Porson, Schaefer, Hermann, Erfurdt, Elmsley, &c.

In Roman History, &c.—The students are advised to read the early
part of Hooke's Roman History, with Ferguson's Roman Republic,
Niebuhr's Roman History, and Heeren's Manual: also, Montesquie's
"Grandeur et decadence des Romains," and Dunlop's History of Roman
In Grecian History, &c:—The History of Greece published by the
Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, is the text-book. Reference
is made to Mitford, Gillies, &c. In both Grecian and Roman
History, pains is taken to point out the antient authorities.
In Hebrew:—Biblia Hebraica, edit: Van Der Hooght, by D'Allemand,
London; or the revised edition by Aug: Hahn, Leipsic; which is
better. Stuart's Hebrew Grammar, 3d edition, and Gesenius's Hebrew
Lexicon, by Gibbs: (not the abridgement.)
It is expected of the students of Latin and Greek, that they will read
in their rooms a list of such authors and parts of authors, furnished by the
Professor, as cannot be read in the lecture-room: e. g: Cicero's Epistles
to Atticus, his Orations (selected), and Treatise "de Republica;" Sallust,
Terence, Plautus: Æschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, Aristophanes, Demosthenes,
Æschines, Thucydides, &c.
As an essential part of the course, thestudents of each class are required
to furnish regularly, once a week, a written exercise; which consists
in the conversion of Latin or Greek into English, and of English
into Latin or Greek. The exercises are examined by the Professor,
and the errors marked: thus corrected, they are returned to the students,
and the corrections stated and explained in the presence of the
class. For these exercises, the classic authors are used as the text.
The black-board is continually used for the purpose of assisting the
student, by the aid of the eye, in comprehending and retaining the illustrations
Professor Blættermann.—The languages taught, in this school, are
the French, Spanish, Italian, German, and Anglo Saxon; and if desired,
will also be taught, the Danish, Swedish, Hollandish and Portuguese
Languages. In each of them, there are two classes, the senior and the
junior, together with a third class for those who wish to qualify themselves
for degrees in this school, as it is required that two degrees be
obtained in modern languages before that of A. M. will be conferred.—
Besides the oral translations in the lecture room, the students are required
to write, as regular exercises out of the lecture rooms, translations
from the foreign language into English, and vice versa. Lectures
on the Literature of each of the nations whose languages are taught,

History, and the political relations of the different civilized nations of the
present day. The text-books used are the principal classics in each
Professor Bonnycastle.—In this school there are commonly five
classes. Of these, the first junior begins with Arithmetic; but as the
student is required to have some knowledge of this subject when he
enters the University, the lectures of the Professor are limited to the
theory, shewing the method of naming numbers, the different scales of
notation, and the derivation of the several rules of Arithmetic
from the primary notion of addition; the addition namely, of sensible
objects one by one. The ideas thus acquired are appealed to at every
subsequent step, and much pains are taken to exhibit the gradual developement
from these elementary truths, of the extensive science of mathematical
analysis. Lacroix's Arithmetic is the text-book.
In Algebra, the first problems are analyzed with, and without, the use
of letters, to make the student sensible of the advantages of these
signs. In teaching the rules for adding, subtracting, &c., they are
compared with the correspondent rules in Arithmetic, and the agreement
or diversity is noticed and explained. The text-book is Lacroix's
In Geometry, the first elements are taught, and illustrated by the use
of models.
The second junior class continue to read Lacroix's Algebra, and
Bonnycastle's Inductive Geometry. In the latter, they successively
acquire—the theorems of Synthetic Geometry—the theory and
practice of Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, with the application of
the latter to Nautical Astronomy—the theory of Projection—and the
theory of Curved lines and Surfaces. Their subsequent studies usually
embrace a portion of the Differential Calculus.
The senior classes continue the Differential Calculus in lessons taken
from Young and from Bonnycastle's Geometry, concluding the course
of pure Mathematics with the Integral Calculus, the theory of which is
taken from Young, and the examples, from Peacock.
There is, moreover, a class of Mixed Mathematics, for such of the
more advanced students as choose to pursue it; which consists of parts
of Venturoli's Mechanics, the first book of Laplace's Mecanique
Celeste, and of the applications of the principles there given to various
And, lastly, there is attached to this school a class of Civil Engineering;

the construction of draughts and plans—of surveying—and
lastly, of the construction of Roads, Canals, Bridges, and other publc
Professor Patterson.—The course of lectures in this school is
divided into two parts, each of which is followed by a general written
examination of the students. The first part treats of the properties of
ponderable bodies, and includes Statics, Dynamics, Hydrostatics, Hydrodynamics,
Pneumatics, Crystalization, Molecular and Capillary Attraction,
Strength and Stress of Materials, and Acoustics. The second
part comprises Heat, (including Meteorology and the Steam-engine,)
Electricity and Galvanism, Magnetism and Electro Magnetism, Optics,
The text-books used are, Lardner and Kater's Mechanics, Lardner's
Hydrostatics and Pneumatics, Brewster's Optics, the Treatises
on Heat, Electricity, Galvanism, Magnetism, and Electro Magnetism,
in the Library of Useful Knowledge, and Herschel's Astronomy.
As the enactments require only an acquaintance with arithmetic in
order to enter this school, mathematical demonstrations, though not
avoided by the Professor, are not required of the students of the general
class. But the candidates for graduation form a separate class,
and are taught the applications of elementary mathematics,, (Algebra
Geometry, and Trigonometry,) to Natural Philosophy. The application
of the higher calculus belongs to the school of Mathematics.
The Apparatus provided for the school of Natural Philosophy is very
extensive and complete, and thus enables the Professor to illustrate
every part of his course by experiments in the presence of his class.
An Observatory, with its appropriate astronomical instruments, is also
attached to this school.
Professor Emmet.—There are two classes in this school; one of
Chemistry, to which there are lectures given twice a week, and the
other of Materia Medica and Pharmacy, to which is given a lecture
once a week throughout the session.
In the Chemical lectures, all the important applications of the science
to the mechanic arts, agriculture and domestic economy are noticed,

on earths and metals, the appropriate minerals are exhibited and
noticed with reference to the sciences of Mineralogy and Geology.
At the close of the history of inorganic matter, the atomic theory and
the laws of definite proportions are fully explained and exemplified.
The latter part of the course is occupied with the chemistry of organic
substances, and it comprises the history, analysis and properties of each
substance; to which are added general views of the connexion between
Chemistry and the physiology of animals and vegetables.
In the lectures on Materia Medica and Pharmacy, the subjects are
treated in the following order:—The operations of Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical
preparations, the effect which the combining of different
substances has on their medicinal properties, the different classifications
of the Materia Medica, and lastly, its several articles treated alphabetically.
There is attached to this school, a very extensive apparatus and a
laboratory, in which the students are occasionally permitted to see the
operations, and to perform experiments. A free use is made of the
black-board in these as in almost all the other classes in the University.
Professor Magill.—The subjects taught in this school are Physiology,
Pathology, Therapeutics, Obstetrics and Medical Jurisprudence.
The last forms a distinct class, and comprehends other students in
addition to those of Medicine A full course of lectures is delivered
on each of the above branches. Dunglison's Human Physiology is the
text-book on that subject; in Pathology and the practice of Medicine,
Eberle's Practice of Medicine is recommended; in Obstetrics, Burns,
or Dewees, or Gooch; and in Medical Jurisprudence, Beck or Ryan.
Professor Johnson.—In Anatomy, the lectures are delivered from
Subjects, with which the school is regularly supplied. The text-book is
Horner's Special Anatomy. In Surgery, the text-book is Cooper's
First Lines. This and the two preceding schools constitute the Medical
Department of the University; and the candidates for the degree
of "Doctor of Medicine," must pass examination in them all. An
extensive Museum is attached to this department. It possesses
one advantage, at least, over the other Medical Schools in the United

about four.
A full course of lectures in the Medical Department of this University,
is considered as equivalent to a full course in both the Philadelphia
and Baltimore Schools; so that a student with a certificate from this
University of having attended a full course of lectures here, is entitled
to stand for graduation at either of the above named schools, after
having attended all the lectures there delivered for one session only.
Professor Tucker.—There are two classes in this school. The
Junior Class studies Rhetoric, Belles-Lettres and Logic, the first half
of the session, and Belles-Lettres and Ethics, the last half.
The Senior, studies Mental Philosophy, the first part of the session,
and Political Economy the last. The examinations are on the Professor's
lectures, Brown's Philosophy, Say's Political Economy, and Adam
In the Junior Class, the examinations are on the Professor's lectures,
Blair's Lectures, Campbell's Rhetoric, Stewart's Active and Moral
There are also in this school, lectures on logic and general grammar.
Professor Davis.—In this school are taught the Law of Nature
and Nations, the Science of Government, Constitutional Law, the Common
and Statute Law, Equity, and Maritime and Commercial Law.
This school is divided into two classes. The text-books studied by
the junior class, are Vattel's Law of Nature and of Nations, the Federalist,
the Virginia Report of '99, and Blackstone's Commentaries.
Those studied by the senior, are Coke upon Littleton, (Thomas's edition,)
Stephen on Pleading, Starkie on Evidence, (the first vol.) Toller
on Executors, Chitty on Contracts, Bayley on Bills, Fonblanque's
Equity, and Mitford's Pleadings; to which it is proposed to add a treatise
on Commercial and Maritime Law.
On these books, prelections are delivered by the Professor, in which
it is his object to supply what is deficient and explain what is obscure
in the text, to refer in connection with it to the leading cases and authorities,
American and English, illustrative of the topic under consideration,
and generally, to offer such comments as he deems necessary to
its thorough understanding. In these prelections, the statute law of
Virginia and the United States, and its effects on the pre-existing law

nation on the last together with its text.
On government, and on various topics of National, Constitutional and
Municipal Law, not discussed in the text-books, lectures are delivered;
on which, also, the class are examined.
Students not wishing to study Municipal Law, can enter for that portion
only of the junior course, which embraces National Law, Government
and Constitutional Law; which portion, those wishing to study
Municipal Law only, can if they choose omit.
The students of this school have instituted a Law Society, at
the meetings of which the Professor presides. In it, questions connected
with the studies of the school are discussed, fictitious cases litigated
in the form of regular pleadings, and the issues produced decided
in the appropriate mode, and the members exercised in conveyancing
by having to prepare and submit to the Society the necessary deeds to
effectuate supposed agreements, &c.
Religious exercises are performed at the University every Sunday,
by a Minister of the Gospel, residing there, whose services are rendered
on the private invitation of the Professors, Officers and Students.
There are two public examinations of all the students, each session,
the one at such convenient time about the middle of the session as the
Faculty shall appoint, the other at the close of the session.
These are thus conducted. The Professor of the School prepares,
in writing, a series of questions to be proposed to his class, and affixes
to them numerical values, according to his estimate of their relative difficulty.
On the assembling of the class for examination, these questions
are for the first time presented to them; and they are required to
answer them in writing, in a prescribed time, without communication
with one another or with other persons, and without any reference to
books. Their answers are subsequently carefully examined and compared,
and a value attached to each, not exceeding that of the corresponding
question. In the schools of languages, subjects may also be
selected for oral examination, and the values of these exercises are
marked at the time.
The students are then arranged into four divisions, according to the
merit of their examinations, as determined by the following method.

and also the values of the answers given by each student. If this last
number amounts to three-fourths of the first, the student is ranked in
the first division; if it be less than three-fourths and as much as one-half,
in the second; if less than one half and as much as a fourth, in
the third; if less than a fourth, in the fourth division.—The examinations
are conducted and the results ascertained by a committee, consisting
of the professor of the school and two other professors.
The standing of each student at the examinations is communicated
to his parent or guardian: and the names of those who are in the first
divisions are announced on the public day, at the close of the session,
and published in one or more of the newspapers of the State.
Three honorary distinctions are conferred in this Institution; a Certificate
of Proficiency—that of Graduate in any School—and that of Master
of Arts of the University of Virginia.
The first, the Faculty may confer on any student who shall, on examination,
give satisfactory evidence of a competent acquaintance with any
of those particular branches which, according to the regulations, may
be separately attended in a school. The second, they are authorised
to confer on any student who shall, on examination, give satisfactory
evidence of his proficiency in the general studies of any of the schools.
And the third, is obtained by graduation, in the schools of Antient
Languages, Modern Languages, Mathematics, Natural Philosophy,
Chemistry, and Moral Philosophy. But in all cases, to obtain a diploma,
or certificate of proficiency, the candidate must give the Faculty
satisfactory proof of his ability to write the English language correctly.
No particular period of study is prescribed for the acquisition of
these honors. The student obtains them whenever he can undergo
the rigid examinations to which the candidates for them are subjected.
The title of Doctor of Medicine is conferred on the graduate in the
Medical Department.
On the last day of the session, the Visitors, Faculty, Officers and
Students, assemble in the Rotunda, and the public are invited to attend.
On this occasion, the certificates and diplomas are awarded to the successful
candidates, the results of the examinations are announced, and
orations are delivered, and essays read by Students appointed for that

The expenses for the session of upwards of ten months, (commencing
the 10th of September, and ending the 20th of July following,) are
as follows:—
Board, including bed and other room furniture, washing and attendance | $100 |
Fuel and candles, to be furnished by the Proctor, at cost, and 5 per cent commission, estimated, if only one student in the dormitory, at $30,—if two students in the dormitory at |
15 |
Rent of an entire dormitory $16; for half, if occupied by two students |
8 |
Use of the library and public rooms | 15 |
Fees—if one professor be attended $50; if two, each $30; if more than two, each $25—say |
75 |
Total (exclusive of books and stationary, clothing and pocket-money) | $213 |
In addition to the regular see, $20 is paid by students who attend
the Senior Class in the school of Law.
Boarding-houses are provided within the precincts, for the accommodation
of students; and no student is permitted to board or lodge out
of the precincts, unless in the family of his parent or guardian, or of
some particular friend, approved by the Faculty. Except, that students
above the age of twenty years, may reside out of the precincts, in such
private boarding-houses as the Faculty may approve.
Every student resident within the precints, is required, on matriculat -
ing, to deposit with the Patron, all the money, checks, bills, drafts, and
other available funds, which he shall have in his possession, or under
his control, in any manner intended to defray his expenses while at the
University, or on his return from thence to his residence. Nor shall
he matriculate, till he shall have deposited a sum at least sufficient, after
deducting the Patron's commission, (two per cent.) to pay for the
use of his dormitory and the public rooms, to pay the fees of the Professors
whom he may design to attend, to pay three months' board to
his hotel-keeper, to purchase the text-books and stationary which he
may want at the commencement, and twenty dollars on account of fuel
and candles, and ten dollars to cover contingent charges and assessments
against him for injuries to the buildings, &c., which two last
mentioned sums are credited in the final settlement of his accounts. In
like manner, he shall deposit with the Patron all the funds which he shall
receive while a student of the University, for the purposes aforesaid.
At the end of the first three months of the session, he shall deposit enough
to pay his board and other expenses for the next three months; and at
the expiration of the second period of three months, he shall deposit
enough to pay his board and other expenses for the residue of the session.

Students resident out of the University, are required, on matriculating,
to deposit with the Patron funds sufficient, after deducting the Patron's
commission, to pay the fees of the Professors whom they propose to attend,
the sum charged for the use of the public rooms, and ten dollars
to cover contingent charges.
The expenses of the students resident in the University, are limited
as follows:—for board, the use of dormitory and public rooms, and tuition
fees, the sums before stated; for clothing during the session, a
sum not exceeding a hundred dollars; for pocket-money during the
session, not exceeding forty dollars; for books or stationary, whatever
the parent or guardian may think fit to allow; for medicine and medical
attendance whatever may be necessary. These limits are in no case
to be exceeded, unless under special circumstances, the Faculty shall
allow it. Resident students are forbidden to contract any debts whatsoever;
but for every thing purchased, they are forthwith to pay, or to
draw upon a fund in the hands of the Patron applicable thereto.
Students, wherever resident, are required to wear the uniform prescribed
by the enactments; consisting of cloth of a dark grey mixture,
at a price not exceeding six dollars a yard.
The Faculty, at their discretion, may allow any man, of undoubted
moral character, above the age of twenty-three years, to attend lectures
in any of the Schools of the University, and to reside out of the precincts,
exempt from the rules and regulations prescribed for the government
of students; except only, that he shall pay the usual Professors'
fees, and the usual compensation for the use of the public rooms, and
shall observe all those laws of the Institution which enjoin respectful and
orderly deportment: But the privilege so allowed may be withdrawn
by the Faculty, at any time, when in their opinion it has been used to
the evil example of the students, and otherwise to the injury of the Institution.
At the end of every month, a circular is addressed by the Chairman
of the Faculty to the parent or guardian of each student, in which are
stated his absences from the lectures he was bound to attend, and other
irregularities of which he may have been guilty, that month; together
with such information as to the student's progress and conduct as it may
be deemed proper to communicate,
There are in the University, teachers of Music, Fencing and Dancing,
authorised by the Faculty to give instruction in those accomplishments
to such students, as wish to acquire them.

A military corps has been formed by the students, and an instructor
appointed, for the purpose of learning military tactics. One afternoon
in the week is devoted to these exercises; but it is at the option of the
student whether he will engage in them,
![]() | Catalogue of the officers and students of the University of Virginia | ![]() |