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II. King and Privy Council. Oaths of Supremacy and Allegiance Administered to Colonists 1607
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II. King and Privy Council. Oaths of Supremacy and Allegiance
Administered to Colonists

Manuscript Records of the Virginia Company, Volume III, Part i, Pages 20, 20a
Document in the Library of Congress
List of Records No. 5

1. The oath of Supremacie Allegiance

I, M    doe vtterlie testifie & declare in my conscience yt ye
kings highnes ye onlie supreame Gouernor of great Brietaine and of all the
Collony of   [5] and all other his highnes Dominions & Countries, as
well in all spirituall [and] ecclesiasticall things (or causes) as temporall.
And that no forreine [prince] person—prelate state or potentate hath or
ought to haue, any fur   [5] power, supreortie preheminence or
authoritie Ecclesiasticcall or sperituall   [5] wthin theise his Realmes
And therfore I doe vtterlie renounce & for forreine Jurisdiction, Powers,
supreorties & Authorities, And doe p̳mise   [5] henceforth I
shall beare faith & true Allegeance to ye Kings highnes   [5] lawfull
successors & (to my power,) shall assist & defend all Jurisdiction
  [5] preheminence & Authoritie graunted & belonging to ye kings
highnes,   [5] and vnited & annexed to his Imperall crowne & so
helpe me my god

[20a] 2. The oath of Allegeance Supremacye

I    M    doe trulie and sincerely acknowledge, professe
testifie and declare in my Conscience before God & the world, That our
Soueraigne Lord King James §Charles§ ys lawfull and rightfull King of
great Britaine and of the Colony of Virginia, and of all other his Maiesties
Dominions and Countries. And that ye pope neither of himselfe, nor by
any Authoretie of the Church or See of Rome, or by any other meanes
(wth any other) hath any power or authoritie to dispo §depose§ the King
or to dispose any of his Maties Kingdomes or Dominions, or to authorise


any forreine prince, to inuade or anoy him in his Countries, or to dis-
charge any of his subiectes of ther Allegeance and obedience to his Maiesty
or to giue licence or leaue to any of them to beare Armes, raise, tumult,
or to offer any violence, or hurt to his Maiestiℯ royall person, state, Gou-
erment, or to any of his Maiesties subiectes wthin his Maiesties Dominions.
Also I doe sweare frõ my hart, that notwthstanding any declaration or
sentence of Excomunication, or depriuation made or granted, or to be
made or granted by ye pope or his successors, or by any authoritie deriued,
or pretended to bee deriued from him, or his Sea against the king his
heires or successors, or any absolution of the said subiects from ther
obedience: I will beare faith & true Allegeance to his Matie his heires and
successors and him and them will defend to the vttermost of my power,
against all Conspiracies and attempts whatsoeu9 wch shall be made against
his or ther persons, ther Crowne and dignitie, by reason or Color of any
such sentence or declarac̃on, or otherwise, and will doe my best Endeauors
to disclose and make knowne vnto his Maiestie, his heires & successors,
all treason and trayterous Conspiracies, wch I shall heare or knowe of to
bee against him or any of them, And I doe further sweare, That I doe
frõ my hart abhorr, Detest & abiure as ympious and hereticall, this
damnable doctrine and position That Princes wch be excomunicated or
depriued by the pope, may be deposed or murthered of ther subiects or
any other whatsoeu9 And I doe belieue, and in conscience am resolued,
That neither the pope nor any other person whatsoeu9 hath power to
absolue me of this Oath or anie parte therof, wch I acknowledge by good
& full Authoritie is to bee lawfullie ministred vnto mee, and doe renounce
all pardones & dispensations to ye contrarie, And theise things I doe
plainely and sincerely accknowledge & swere according to theise expresse
words by me spoken. And according to ye plaine & com̃on sense & vnder-
standing of the same wordℯ wthout any equivocation or mentall evation,
or secret reseruation whatsoeu9, And I doe make this Recognition &
accknowledgment hartilie willinglie & trulie vpon the true faith of a
Christian So helpe me God;


A blank space in the manuscript.