University of Virginia Library


Carson Lee Fifer, B.A., M.D.  Research Fellow in Surgery 
Frederick William Kinard, B.S.  Research Fellow in Biochemistry 
Harold Douglas McEwen, B.A., M.A.  Research Fellow in Surgery and
Lodwick Sterrett Meriwether, B.A., M.A., M.S., M.D.  Research Fellow in
William Maryon Moir, B.A.  Service Fellow in Pharmacology 
Herbert Silvette (Porter Fellow of the American Physiological Society),  Research Fellow in Physiology 
Leland Edson Starr, D.V.M., M.S.  Research Fellow in Public Health and

Correspondence with reference to admission to the first-year class should
be addressed to Dr. H. E. Jordan, Chairman Committee on Admissions.

For information as to lodgings, board, expenses, etc., address the Bursar,
and for catalogues and other printed literature, address the Registrar.

For other information, address the Dean of the Department of Medicine.

The session of 1932-33 opens on September 15. The registration days are
September 15-17. A fee is required for delayed registration.