University of Virginia Library


The applicant must be at least eighteen years old and must make
a grade of not less than 75 per cent. on the State examination, consisting
of the following subjects with the value of each:

Form by applicant (writing and theory and practice)  15 
Arithmetic  10 
English grammar and composition  10 
History—United States and Virginia  10 
Geography 5, civics 5  10 
Physiology and hygiene 
Primary reading and methods 5, spelling 5  10 

The minimum grade for a second grade certificate is 75% of 75,
or 56.25.

"This certificate is valid for two years and renewable for two.
The holder may teach in the elementary schools.

"As before stated graduates of four-year standard high schools
who have attended a summer normal or institute for six weeks must
receive a Second Grade Certificate."