University of Virginia Library


[“Drink of this cup—when Isis led]

“Drink of this cup—when Isis led
Her boy, of old to the beaming sky,
She mingled a draught divine , and said—
‘Drink of this cup, thou'lt never die!’
“Thus do I say and sing to thee,
Heir of that boundless heav'n on high,
Though frail, and fall'n, and lost thou be,
Drink of this cup, thou'lt never die!”


“And Memory, too, with her dreams shall come,
Dreams of a former, happier day,
When Heaven was still the Spirit's home,
And her wings had not yet fallen away;
“Glimpses of glory, ne'er forgot,
That tell, like gleams on a sunset sea,
What once hath been, what now is not,
But, oh, what again shall brightly be.”

The της αθανασιας φαρμακον, which, according to Diodorus Siculus, Isis prepared for her son Orus. —Lib. i.