University of Virginia Library

JUNE 11, 1903.

SERVIA, thou name-devoted, sorry LAND
OF SERFS to their own lusts, how long with thee,
In the sad name of lawless Liberty,
Shall Gods and men endure? How long, unbanned,
Unblasted of His thunders, shalt thou stand,
In the sheer sight of heaven and earth and sea,
Outraging all that right and truth decree,
With ravin-reddened brows and bloody hand?
Since men forbear thee, since the avenging flame
Of heaven yet laggeth, I, that see and hear
Midmost my dream and shudder, in the name
Of all whose hearts with love and pity stir,
Ban such as thou, thou woman-murderer,
Back to that nether hell from which they came.