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DUET,—Music by the Author.

Hark, hark! yon sound from the temple of fame
To the praise of our dear native land;
See, see the bright blazon'd roll where the name
Of each genius doth brilliantly stand!
Who then would refrain
To join the sweet strain
Which the Muses in harmony swell?
While the chime they impart
Sweetly flows on the heart,
When the theme is the land where we dwell.
Caledonia, Caledonia! dear Caledonia!
No spot on this earth
Can I love half so well
As the place of my birth,
The dear land where I dwell—
Caledonia, Caledonia! dear, dear Caledonia!
Strike, strike the harp and the sweet violin,
With the clarionet and mellow toned flute;
Come, come, let's with these the sweet prelude begin,
While Cecilia's fair daughters are mute.
Then, then let the fair
Aloud join the air
Which the Muses in harmony swell!
While the chimes they impart
Sweetly flow on the heart,
When the theme is the land where we dwell.
Caledonia, Caledonia! dear Caledonia!
The hero and bard
With thee always remain;
That thy freedom to guard,
This to cheer the sweet plain.
Caledonia, Caledonia! dear, dear Caledonia!