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Poems and Songs

by Thomas Flatman. The Fourth Edition with many Additions and Amendments

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To Ælius Lamia.

Brave Ælius, sprung from an Heroick line,
Whose Pedigree in long descents do shine,
That add'st new glories to the Lamian Name,
And rear'st fresh Trophies to their fame!
Descended from Prince Lamus, whose command
Reach from the Formian walls, o're Sea and Land;
Well was he known our Ancestors among,
Where gentle Lyris slides along.
Great as thou art, time will not thee obey:
To-morrow's like to be a blustring day,
Some tempest too is threatned from the East,
As by th' unlucky Crow I guest:


'Tis dry to day! Now lay thy feuel in,
'Ere the unwelcome Season do begin,
Good Victuals get, and frolick friends together,
Armour of proof against ill weather.