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Matthew Prior. Poems on Several Occasions

The Text Edited by A. R. Waller

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An Extempore Invitation TO THE EARL of OXFORD, Lord High Treasurer. 1712.
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An Extempore Invitation TO THE EARL of OXFORD, Lord High Treasurer. 1712.


Our Weekly Friends To-morrow meet
At Matthew's Palace, in Duke-street;
To try for once, if They can Dine
On Bacon-Ham, and Mutton-chine:
If weary'd with the great Affairs,
Which Britain trusts to Harley's Cares,
Thou, humble Statesman, may'st descend,
Thy Mind one Moment to unbend;
To see Thy Servant from his Soul
Crown with Thy Health the sprightly Bowl:
Among the Guests, which e'er my House
Receiv'd, it never can produce
Of Honor a more glorious Proof—
Tho' Dorset us'd to bless the Roof.