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Miraculum [de Milite Anglie]

A kniȝt þer was in Engelonde by norþe here biside
A ȝong sone he hadde bi is wyf as God wolde it ssolde bitide
Þe moder a day þe wile it was ȝong þat child to chirche broȝte
Þat child biheld þat rode in churche and stod in grete þoȝte
Moder he sede wat is þe mon þat ȝend anhonged is
Sone quaþ þe leuedy it is oure Louerd iwis
For us he was so anhonge and to strong deþ ibroȝt
To bringe us to þe ioie of heuene he haþ us deore iboȝt
Wel aȝte we þanne quaþ þe child serui him wiþ wille
And wat is þulke faire womman þat stont bi him so stille
It is is moder quaþ þe leuedy þat oure swete Leuedy is
O madame quaþ þis child wonder me þincþ iwis
Stod he[o] bi him þo me him slou þe leuedy sede ȝe
Awey madame quaþ þe child miȝtestou so by me
Hou miȝte he[o] ise[o] quelle hure child þat hure herte nebreke ato
Muche was þe deol in hure heorte & sorynesse also
Þei þis child were ȝong ofte siþe on þis deol it þoȝte
Selde were he euere were out of is herte he it broȝte
Þat child was suþþe ido to scole he leornede wel inou
So þat he com to Oxenford þo he to monne drou
Selde it com out of is þoȝte wat so he yseie
Þe deol þat oure Leuedi hadde þo he[o] sei hure sone deie
Hit biuel suþþe in a tyme as it doþ by manyon


Þat he dude a dedlich sunne so ne dude he neuere er non
He nolde noȝt as many wolleþ þer on ligge longe
To a frere he wende to ssrifte is penance forto auonge
Repentant he was inou of [þulke] luþer dede
Leste he nere noȝt sori inou for þulke misdede
Wanne he spak wiþ is ssrift fader at eche time so he sede
And bisoȝte him for þulke sunne þat he for him bede
And þat he bede oure Leuedy for þulke sor þat he[o] hadde in hure þoȝt
Þo he[o] sei hure sone honge and to stronge deþe be[o] ibroȝt
Þat he[o] ȝeue him grace and wille þe Leuedy milde and fre[o]
Sori inou inis herte for is sunne to be[o]
Þat he bad ek him sulf oure Leuedy niȝt and day
For þe deol þat he[o] hadde of hure sone þat he[o] him deie say
He hadde þe wile he liuede þulke bone in mone
Þat oure Leuedi þo he was ded him cudde & eke hure sone
Attelaste at Oxenford at scole he gan deye
Þe furste day he was iwest as þe maistres iseie
Tweie clerkes þer were ouer him þat swuþe wel is frend were
Þat wuste is bone niȝt and day and we[re] next þe bere
Echmon amorwe bote hi tweie wende hom inis ende
Felawe quaþ þat on it is tyme þat we þe tapres tende
Abid a stonde quaþ þis oþer forte þe maistres come
Hit nis noȝt riȝt þe taperes tende bote here were some
As þis tweie clerkes sete alone adoun hy lenede stille
So þat hi werþe aslepe as it was Godes wille
As hi slepe hom þoȝte boþe þat [hi] angles monye yseie


Hare felawe soule þat þer lai ded to heuene lede heie
Oure Leuedy as to teche þe wey hure sulf ȝeode biuore
And openede þe dore of heuene þat þe soule were in ibore
Þo he[o] biuore oure Louerd com adon he[o] sat akne
Sone he[o] sede lo her mi frend þat wel haþ iserued me
Vnderfong him in þi ioie oure Louerd aȝen sede
Leue moder so ich aȝte wel þei þou neuere ne bede
For an eorþe he bad þi milce ofte for þe deol þat þou seie
And þat sor in þin herte þo þou seie me deie
Wel heie ich him wole auonge as riȝt is þat ich do
And among myn halwen him onure & þou sselt also
Þo sende oure Leuedi fram heuene to þe taperes liȝt anon
Þat aboute þe body stode and tende ham echon
Þe clerkes awoke anon as hi slepe boþe þer
And fonde þe tapres al itend as ham þoȝte in slepe er
Þo come þe maistres as riȝt was þe seruise to do
And þo it was al to ende ibroȝt & þat bodi ibured also
Þe clerkes to hare priue maistres tolde al þat hi seie
Þat oure Leuedi to oure Louerd sede in þe ioie of heuene heie
And hou hi onurede him for þe munde þat he hadde er in mode
Of þe deol þat oure Leuedy hadde of hure sone in þe rode
Hi ȝeode uorþ to þe frere þat is ssrift fader was
Somme of þe maistres priueliche tolde him al þat cas
Þe frere sede þat it was soþ þat he hadde euere in mode
Þe deol þat oure Leuedi hadde þo hure sone deide in þe rode
Þe miracle was þo iholde soþ of þis holy childe
Wiþ ech þing alday we seoþ oure Leuedi swete & milde