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A Stanzaic Life of Christ

Compiled from Higden's Polychronicon and the Legenda Aurea

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Quod instituta est propter recompensacionem.

As to þe first cause i-wys,
that is recompensacioun,


hit was ordeynt not amys,
As I shal preue by gode resoun.
Two popes godely ordeynt þis,
Melchisedech, Siluestre also,
sithen Seterday after Friday ys
next day suyng onon tho,
And on Friday skilfully
In penaunce ich mon most be
of fastyng, prayer specialy,
for God þen deghet on rode tre,
Therfore thay ordeynt Seterday
iche mon forto ete twye,
that to gret fastyng in gode fay
hor kynde to mych shuld not destruy.


Then in recompensacioun
of þis fastyng laide doun so,
one weke bifore þe lentoun
thai ordeynt time of fastyng tho,
And sexagesme calden hitt,
this weke þat so ordeynt was,
And this nome thus by my witt
of se[x]agesme com first on plas.