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Superstition about the Living.

But come we now unto the Living, see
Them superstition hugs, as ivy th'tree
As soon as e're they peep into the World
They're in the arms of superstition hirld.
The idoll Cross is printed in their brow
Though not first usd, yet found in use grown now.
But touching it, these days first ground this grist
Of Babtism by any monkish fist
They did baptiz and Cross but might not soile
Their forheads as Archbishops did with oyle
The Woman too must Churched be therefore
That she may freely enter the Church doore
And Holy Water too they kept, its said,
By Gregory Tours, in Martins Chappell made
And otherwhere. And holy Oyle to smeere
The sick therewith, and such as feeble were
And if once slide strange Penance is the fine
As Genebaud of Laudune Church the prime
Must seven years Penance in a sell attend
Because he marride was, and so all mend.
And other that was staind with Patricide
Must to Saints places choice ore Seven years stride.