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The most elegant and witty epigrams of Sir Iohn Harrington

... digested into fovre bookes: three whereof neuer before published

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6 Of Leda's Religion.

My louely Leda, some at thee repining,
Askt me vnto what sect thou art inclining?
Which doubts shall I resolue among so many,
Whether to none, to one, to all, to any?
Surely one should be deem'd a false accusant,
That would appeach Leda for a Recusant.
Her fault according to her former vsing,
Was noted more in taking, then refusing.
For Lent, or Fasts, she hath no superstition,
For if she haue not chang'd her old condition:
Be it by night in bed, in day in dish,
Flesh vnto her more welcome is then Fish.
Thou art no Protestant, thy fals-hood saith,
Thou canst not hope to saue thy selfe by faith.
Well, Leda, yet to shew my good affection,
Ile say thy sect is of a double section.
A Brownist louely browne, thy face and brest,
The Families of Loue, in all the rest.