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The Poetical Works of Thomas Moore

Collected by Himself. In Ten Volumes

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'Twas in the fair Aspasia's bower,
That Love and Learning, many an hour,
In dalliance met; and Learning smil'd
With pleasure on the playful child,
Who often stole, to find a nest
Within the folds of Learning's vest.
There, as the listening statesman hung
In transport on Aspasia's tongue,
The destinies of Athens took
Their colour from Aspasia's look.
Oh happy time, when laws of state
When all that rul'd the country's fate,
Its glory, quiet, or alarms,
Was plann'd between two snow-white arms!
Blest times! they could not always last—
And yet, ev'n now, they are not past.


Though we have lost the giant mould,
In which their men were cast of old,
Woman, dear woman, still the same,
While beauty breathes through soul or frame,
While man possesses heart or eyes,
Woman's bright empire never dies!
No, Fanny, love, they ne'er shall say,
That beauty's charm hath pass'd away;
Give but the universe a soul
Attun'd to woman's soft control,
And Fanny hath the charm, the skill.
To wield a universe at will.