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Sec. 48. General duties and powers.

The Mayor of the City of Charlottesville shall be the executive
head of its municipal government; it shall be his duty to take care
that the by-laws and ordinances of the city are fully and faithfully
executed and observed, and that the duties of the various city
officers and servants are faithfully performed. To this end he
shall have power to investigate their acts, have access to all books,
papers and documents in their offices and to all city property, and
may examine all city officers or servants, or their subordinates, or
any other person, touching their official acts or the public business;
but the evidence so given by any person shall not be used in
any criminal proceedings against him.

The mayor shall further discharge all other executive duties and
functions properly belonging to his office, or which may be imposed
upon him by the ordinances of the city, or the laws of the
State. (Charter, Sec. 30.)