The records of the Virginia Company of London | ||
A Courte held in the afternoone att mr fferrarℯ house
7 Iulij 1620 ther beinge
Sr Edward Sackvill knt. | mr Thomas Gibbes. | mr Deputy Ferrar. |
Sr Edwin Sandys kt. | mr Toby Palavicine. | mr Dauid Bennet. |
Sr Thomas Roe knt. | mr Brooke. | mr Reignoldℯ. |
Sr Iohn Dauers knt. | mr Earle. | mr Tomlynℯ. |
Sr Iohn Bourchein kt. | mr Herbert. | mr Keightley. |
Sr Phillipp Cary knt. | mr Docter Gulstone. | mr Hanforde. |
Sr Thomas Wroth knt. | mr Oxenbridge. | mr Stiles. |
mr Bull, mr Scott, mr Abdy, mr Cranmer, mr Shepheard, mr Rugelℯ,
mr Foxton, mr Ed: Palavicine mr Nicholas Ferrar, mr Berblock mr
Edwards mr Casewell, mr Cartwright, mr Challoner, mr Widdowes,
mr Whitley, mr Georg Smith, mr Baynam, mr Morewood, mr Ether-
idge, mr Barron, mr Mellinge, mr Woodall wth divers others.
Sr Edwin Sandys signified vnto this Courte that hee had a Proiect of
speciall importance wch hee much desyred before the Acts of ye former
Courtes were read to imparte vnto them, for that itt maynely con-
cerned the better menaginge of their affaires in Virginia, and good
advancement of the Plantac̃on there.
Whervppon the Courte grauntinge him leave to proceed hee deliuered
the matter in writinge, wch writinge he first read intirely himselfe to
the Courte and after itt was apoynted to be read by the Secretary by
parcellℯ and each parte was weighed and considered of by the Courte,
and beinge approved there were severall Comittees appoynted to the
seuerall parts, wch writinge wch the Comittees beinge generally rati-
fied by the Courte doth here ensue. [137]
Proposic̃ons considerable for ye better menaginge of the
buisines of the Company and aduanceinge of ye Plantac̃on
of Virginia in this yeare 1620
The late distracc̃ons of the Company by partiallities and facc̃ons are
first to be removed and that by takinge away the causes of them which
are two: 1: matters of Accompts. 2: and questyoninge of Captaine
Argollℯ gouerment ffirst therfore lett Sr Thomas Smithℯ Accompts be
divided into fower partes vizd: 1: Receiptℯ by monneys Adventured,
2: Receiptℯ by Lotteries, wth paymt allso of the Prizes and other
charges to them incident, 3 Receiptℯ by sale of goods returned from
Virginia, by fines allso, by Collections, and other mennes whatsoever,
4: and lastly his Disbursments, lett the Auditors accordinglie divide
themselvs into fower Companies each takinge their parts & following
them throughlie till they be dispatched, ffor there manner of proceed-
inge lett itt be by such means rules as themselvs in a generall meet-
inge shall sett downe, and for their ease and quick dispatch lett them
have the helpe of such other of the Company as they shall desire, Lett
each Company dispatch his parte by Allhalloutide next and then all
meete to bringe the wholl to p̱feccon
For ye receiptℯ by Aduenturers | Sr Iohn Dauers. |
Sr Edwin Sandys. | |
For yr Receiptℯ by Lotteries wth paymt of the Prizes and other Charge |
mr Iohn Wroth. |
mr Henry Brigs. | |
For ye Receiptℯ by Goodℯ from Vir- ginia with fines and Collecc̃ons Cr |
mr Iohn Ferrar Deputy. |
mr William Cranmer. | |
For the Disbursmentℯ | mr Thomas Keightley. |
mr William Cranmer. |
Auditors lett them accordinge to a former order of Courte be convented
by the Counsell and ther the differences be ended and right done to
ye Compa: [138]
Touchinge the buisines concerninge Captaine Argoll wch divideth itt
selfe into three partes. 1 Matter of State, 2 Depradac̃on of the Pub-
lique wth other wrongs done to the Company. 3 oppression of the
Collony wth wrongs to p̱ticuler p̱sonns Lett each parte be com̃ended
to two choyce men who may make them fitt for hearinge against
Alhalloutide next, So that the next Quarter Courte passinge a fynall
sentence in the buisines of Captaine Argoll and perfectinge and con-
cludinge all matters of Accompts, the returne of firme peace and vnitie
may be expected.
Sr Iohn Dauers. | |
For the matters of State | mr Samuell Wrote. |
mr Edward Herbert. | |
mr Herbert. | |
For Depradation of ye Publique | mr Keightley. |
mr Wrote. | |
Sr Edwin Sandys. | |
For oppression of ye Collony Cr | mr Iohn Ferrar. |
mr Iames Berblock. |
The next principall matter is the reputac̃on and Iustice of ye Company
in payinge there old Debts wherof there may be neer two thousand
pound yett remayninge, I wish yt after the dispatch of this Ship and
of another Pinnace to be shortlie sett out the next imployment of
monny may be in discharginge those Debts; And in the meane time
that the Auditors wth assistance of all other Officers make a true
examinac̃on & Collecc̃on of those Debtℯ and present the same to the
Courte in the begininge of the next Tearme.
These matters and troubles in the way beinge thus cleered, itt fol-
loweth to p̱ceed in the advanceinge of the Plantac̃on. The foundac̃on
wherof is the gettinge of monnyℯ beinge the Synews and moving
Instrumts in these greate Actions.
ffower wayes ther are of gettinge in monneys, The first & most certaine
is by the Lotteries wch must be continued till the end of this yeare, if
there may be found places so many where to keepe them.
The Second is the by Debts due to the Company vppon subscripc̃ons
wherof ther remaynes yett sixteen Thousand pounds. [139]
This yeare itt is to be hoped they wilbe chearfully paid especially if
there be good order in Solicitinge the parties, To wch end I wish that
a Collecc̃on be made of all those Debts remayninge to be divided after-
ward into three parts accordinge to the seuerall quallyties of the p̱sonns
indebted; The ffirste Noblemen, The second Knightℯ and Gentlemen,
The third Marchants and other Cittizens—And that the Solicitinge
therof be Comitted to Three choyse payre of Gentlemen and Cittizens,
each suted to their fittest p̱ts And those that are or shalbe in the Cittie
to be solicited in p̱sonns the rest by ɫres to be prepared by these
Solicitors and signed as heretofore by all the Auditors wherin allso this
discrec̃on is to be observed to begin wth the best Debts first and so to
the other.
Sr Edward Sackvill. | |
Sr Iohn Dauers. | |
For ye Lordℯ | Sr Robt Killigrew. |
Sr Thomas Roe | |
mr Brooke. | |
Sr Henry Rainsforde. | |
mr Gibbes | |
For ye Knightℯ & Gentlemen | mr Berblocke. |
mr Wrote. | |
Sr Iohn Wolstenholme. | |
mr Iohn Ferrar Dept. | |
For Marchantℯ & Cittizenℯ | mr Richard Caswell. |
mr Daniell Darnelly. |
The third way of getting in monny wilbe from the Accomptants of
which kinde of Debts I suppose ther will fall out much to be due, this
is in charge of the Auditors.
The fowerth kinde is the remayne of the monneys by Collecc̃ons there
beinge yett nine Bishopps from whome nothinge hath come in. There
must be some therfore appoynted for the soliciting of their Lops.
Sr Edward Sackvill. | |
For ye Solicitinge of ye Lord Bishopps | Sr Dudley Diggs. |
mr Morice Abbott. |
[140] Haveinge made these preparac̃ons wee are in the next place
to p̱ceed to the imployinge of these monneys to the benefitt of the
Plantac̃on which is to be done in three kindes, ffirst in Supplies of
People. 2: In supplies of Cattle of all sorts, 3 and lastlie in pro-
visions for settinge vpp the best and richest Comodities.
ffor people I advise that this yeare there be sent att the publique
charge to Virginia 800 choyce p̱sonns. vizd.
hundred wherof 200: to be placed att Elizabeth Cittie with the
Deputy 100 att Henrico 100: att Charles Cittie, and att Iames
Cittie there are all redie 100:
appoynt vizd. 10: to the Deputy of the Colledge, 40 to the Com-
panies Deputy 20 to the Secretary, 10 more besides 50 all redie
sent to the Mynisters and 20 to the Phisitian.
100 Boyes more for Apprentizes likewise to the publique
exceedinglie desire and will pay the Company their charges
wth verie greate thankℯ.
These people are to be procured as they have formerly beene p̱tlie by
a printed publicac̃on of the supplies intended together wth ye Con-
dic̃ons offered to these publique Tennantℯ, partly by help of such
noble frends and others in remoter parts as have formerlie given great
assistance beinge desyred in the like kinde, This Ship now in pro-
in the very begininge of the Springe.[504]
Touchinge Cattle Cr these are requisite to be sent
- 100 Kine for this Addic̃on of 500 Tenantℯ.
- 100 Kine more to remayne in p̱petuall Stocke vppon the Com-
panies Land to be sent to new Planters as hath been formerly
ordered. - 400 Goatℯ from Wales.
- 20 Mares.
- 80 Asses from Fraunce. [141]
The providinge of these and all things necessarie for them is to be
referred to the care of the generall Comittees yett so that some be
p̱ticulerly appoynted to the seuerall parts and kindes.
mr Iames Bagg. | |
For ye Kine Goatℯ and Mares | mr Richard Wiseman. |
mr Iohn Blande. | |
mr Abraham Chamberlyn. | |
For ye Asses | mr George Chambers. |
mr Iames Bagg. |
Prouisions necessarie for ye settinge Vpp of ye
Staple Comodities are these.
ffor Silke to p̱cure great store of Silkworme seed aboute Michaellmas
next and men skillfull in the orderinge of the Wormes and their Silke
to be sent away in a Pinnace in October betimes.
ffor Oyle besides great quantities to be made out of their great store
of Wallnutℯ Olive plants may be allso p̱cured from Mercellis and
ffor Wynes to procure men skillfull in the plantinge and dressing of
Vynes outt of ffraunce and from the Rhene, from thence allso to p̱cure
plants as likewise from the Canaries.
ffor Hemp and Flax, Sope Ashes, and Pottashes Pittch and Tarr to
p̱ceed in the treaty wth mr Moore who hath offered to p̱cure men skill-
full in those Trades from the Easterne parts.
ffor Fishinge first to sett vpp mr Pountus againe by making vpp a
Stock of 1000li wherof the one halfe to be from those former Adven-
turers a fourth from the Compa: and a fourth from the Southampton
Secondlie by generall petic̃on vnto his Matie: to preserve the ffishinge
att Cape Codd free & indifferent to both the Collonies as was intended
in ye first Pattent.
ffor Salt if men skillfull in makinge itt in Pitts and by the Sunn be
not to be had att home to p̱cure them from ffraunce and by all meanes
to sett forward the makinge of itt in aboundance beinge a very great
help to encrease the Plantac̃on.
ffor Iron theris sufficient done allredie. [142]
And for Sawinge Millℯ besides those allredie gone this Springe there
are lately com from Hamburrough fower men very skillfull to be sent
in the next Ship.
Itt is verie necessarie for the benefitt of the Collony that divers skill-
full Millwrights be provided and sent to sett vpp Corne watermillℯ in
the seuerall parts of the Collony.
Itt is allso convenyent that the Deputie for the Company have a Pin-
nace and other Boats belonginge to him to traffique and trade for the
Company and their Teñants vnder his charge.
ffor these Staple Comodities besides the generall Comittees who are
to take charge of the wholl some seuerall parts are to be Comended to
divers p̱ticularr p̱sons.
for The Silkworme seed Oliue Plantℯ and Vines |
mr Abr: Chamberlin. |
mr Rich: Wiseman. | |
For Salte men | mr Arthur Bromfeild. |
mr Abra: Chamberlyn. |
The last matter butt of great difficultie and cheife importance is the
establishinge of good gouerment in the Collony for Religion, Ius-
tice and Strength together wth their effectℯ, Peace, Plenty and
This parte requireth the serious consultac̃on of the Counsell & the
great labour of learned and iuditious Comittees that being reduced
into a bodie of Lawes and Magestracie itt may be first p̢sented to his
Maties: vewe and beinge there approved may receave confirmac̃on
allso of a Quarter Courte, and lastly the assent and ratificac̃on of the
Some small dyrecc̃ons herin I wilbe bould to offer, I wish that a Com-
ittee be made of twelue select p̱sonns for the Compylinge into a bodie
the Politique Lawes and Magistracie of England—necessarie or fitt for
that Plantac̃on wch p̱t to be com̃itted to fower learned gentlemen pro-
fessors of the Lawe. [143]
The Second to be a like collecc̃on of Orders and constituc̃ons allredie
in beinge wch are prop̱ and peculier to this Collony. Wherin first to
gather those that are to be found in his Mãties ɫeres Pattentℯ and
Instrucc̃ons. Secondlie those that are conteyned aswell in the Booke
of the orders for the Company as allso in the seuerall Charters, Com-
issions, and Instrucc̃ons, sent to Virginia. Lastly such orders as
themselvs there have made in their generall Assemblies All wch beinge
likewise desgested into order and conferred and interlaced wth the
laws of this Realme itt will be redie easie to see in a veiwe of the
wholl Body what Lymme or Synewe is redundant or defective as well
for Lawes as Magestracie wherof a reformac̃on or a supply to be made
agreeable to ye rest This parte is to be commended to fower other such
as are skillfull in all the affayres aswell of the Company here as of
the Collony in Virginia, And thus much for matter of the Generall
A Thirde parte remayneth of the p̱ticularr Gouermt by way of Incor-
porac̃on for every Cittie and Burrough wch I wish may be for all of
one and the same modell vniformitie beinge not onely a nourisher
p̱te is to be comitted to fower Comittees expert in the gouernment∥
of the Corporac̃on of this and other Citties of this Realme to frame
out of them a forme moste fitt for yt people.
These p̱ticuler Comittees haveinge brought their laboures to an end
they are then to meete and out of these p̱ts to make an wholl entire
bodie of Lawes and Magistracie for that Gouermt. to be presented by
them to the Counsell and being ther reformed or allowed to pass on to
the gracious veiwe of his Matie:
And here I wilbe bould to putt the Councell in mynde of one princi-
pall parte of their dutie and Oath to have care by wise and pollitique
constituc̃ons to hold the Collony in assurednes of firme and p̱petuall
loyalltie to his Matie, and this Crowne, wch Cautian in regard of the farr
distance of that place I hold to be necessarie. [144]
ffor matters of Religion I thinke itt requisite that the Compa: desire
direcc̃on from the Lord Archbishops grace and the Lord Bishop of
London they beinge both of the Company and my Lord of London
of the Counsell allso.
ffor matter of strength by way of ffortificac̃on I referr to ye treatie
wth mr Englebert.
The Millitarie discipline requires a Comittee by itt selfe of men most
iudicious in that profession.
These things p̱formed the Plantac̃on I nothinge doubt will prosper
and our selves give good Accompt of our p̱ceedings to his Mãtie:
Sr Thomas Roe. | |
mr Christo: Brooke. | |
For ye Lawes of England | mr [518] Seldon. |
mr Edw: Herbert. | |
mr Phillip Iermyn. |
Sr Edwin Sandys. | |
Sr Iohn Dauers. | |
For ye Orders for Virginia | mr Iohn Wroth. |
mr Sam: Wrote. | |
mr Robtt Heath Recorder. | |
mr Robtt Smith. | |
For ye Perticular Corpora | mr Nicho: Ferrar. |
mr William Cranmer. | |
mr George Chambers. | |
Sr Edw: Sackvill. | |
Sr Dudley Diggs. | |
For Millitary Discipline | Capt: Bingham. |
Capt Lawrence Maisterson. | |
Capt Iohn Bargraue. [145] |
500. Tenantℯ att 16li: the personn | 8000li |
300. Maides, Boyes and Servants | 2000li |
200. Kine att 10li the head | 2000li |
400. Goates att 3li 10s the Goate | 1400li |
020. Mares att 15li a peec | 0300li |
080. Asses att 7li 10s a peec | 0600li |
A Pinnace | 0250li |
Settinge vp the fishinge of mr Pountus | 0250li |
Procuringe of Vigneroones, Saltmen, for Silkwormes, for Flax, for Hempe, Pottashes, and Sopeashes wth plantes & all Materiallℯ |
1000li |
Discharging ye olde Debtℯ yet remayninge of Sr Thomas Smithℯ time |
2000li |
Totalliℯ | 17800li |
By Lottaries | 8000li |
By Debtℯ vppon subscripc̃on one third parte | 5300li |
By Collectionℯ for ye Colledge | 0700li |
By Debtℯ vppon Accomptℯ and Reckoningℯ | 4000li |
18000li |
Memorandum that in the Auditinge of Sr Thomas Smiths Accompts
itt was Offered by the Auditors that such Difficulties and errors as
should occurr, they would from time to time impart to the Auditors
chosen by Sr Thomas Smith and if by their help ye points might be
cleered they would rest so sattisfied: if otherwise accordinge to the
generall orders they would bring them to the Courte from thence to
receive resoluc̃on and sattisfacc̃on ∥direction∥. [146]
rors in Sr Tho:
Smiths Accomptℯ
are to be imparted
to ye Auditors
chosen for him.
In handlinge of these buisinesses Sr Thomas Wroth verie
vnseasonablie (as was thought by the Courte) interposed some mat-
ters of question aboute ye settinge downe of this proceedings in dis-
centinge from the whole Courte aboute the acquitinge of Captaine
Brewster wch was iustified by Sr Edward Sackvill now trulie sett
downe haveinge beene form9ly mispenned by Sr Thomas Wroth and
the former Secretarie. In fine ye Court deliu9ed their opinion that Sr
Edward Sackuill and mr Deputie had sett itt downe verie truly and
that Sr Thomas Wroth was in the wronge & deserved blame.
A ɫre was presented to the Courte from the La: De Laware signifiing
that Capt Argoll had wrongfully taken away certaine of her goods
from her late Husbands servants in Virginia for wch hee hath as
yett given no Accompt; whervppon the Courte thought fitt to con-
sider therof and to warne the said Capt Argoll to the Court vppon
Wednesday next.
Sr Iohn Dauers, and Sr Thomas Roe are appoynted Comittees to
drawe a generall ɫre to his Matie: to preserve the ffishinge at Cape Codd
free and indifferent to both the Collonies as was intended in the first
Pattent and beinge drawne to present the same att the next Courte
vppon Wednesday.
Itt was likewise then desyred that itt would please my Lord: Cauen-
dish & Sr Iohn Dauers to draw an other generall Petic̃on vnto his
Matie concerninge the late Proclamation against the generall & vnlym-
ited importacon of Tobacco Cr. wch the Courte conceaved would tend
to the vtter ouerthrow and destrucc̃on of both Plantations.[523]
A moc̃on was made by petic̃on that the Compa: would please to
graunt vnto the petic̃oners now bound for Virginia that they may have
a warrant to take in provision and certaine peeces of Ordinance fitt
and necessary for a Plantac̃on as likewise two Comissions for the
Maisters and Owners of the Ships such as in like case is vsually
graunted by the Company, wch was generally condiscended vnto wth
order that the Seale should be thervnto affixed. [147]
The Courte was pleased vppon request to appoynt these Comittees for
drawinge of Mr Somerscales Pattent vizd. Sr Iohn Dauers. Mr Herbert
Mr Deputy Ferrar, Mr Gibbes.
A moc̃on was made likewise for a Pattent to be graunted to Sr Thomas
Weynman and his Associates to plant in Virginia.
Sr Iohn Dauers moved that the Courte would please to give order for
drawinge a Pattent for Sr William Mounson and his Associates that
they may have for Seaven years the sole benefitt and transportac̃on
of two such new Comodities as they shall discouer plant or finde out
in Virginia not being yett discouered planted or found outt by any
other for wch they offerred to pay one Hundred pounds p̱ Annũ and
to plante twenty five men every year during ye said Tearme And
moved further likewise that six of the Pattentees in regarde of the
great charge they must be att for this discouery might be free of the
The Courte haveinge duely considered of the premises did generallie
condissend thervnto, and gave order that the Pattent should be
drawne accordinglie, Provided thatt the names of the Six Pattentees
that are desired to be made free as aforesaid be first made knowne
tion in the Pattent of all Mynes there and a restrainte that they
intermeddle not with any Lands allredy possessed.
My Lord of Southampton delivered certaine petic̃ons vnto mr Deputy
Ferrar to be consydered of by the Comittees. [148]
This publication was included in the Declaration of June 22, 1620. List of Records, No. 183,
page 141, ante.
The petition and the Order in Council allowing a sole importation of tobacco appear in the Privy
Council records of April 5 and 10. A printed proclamation for the restraint of the disordered trading
for tobacco was issued June 29. List of Records, Nos. 167, 168, 184, 185, pages 139 and 141, ante.
The records of the Virginia Company of London | ||