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E. I. duPont de Nemours Fellowship in Chemistry: 
White, Thomas Aubrey  Rockingham, N. C. 
Philip Francis duPont Fellowships: 
Research Fellowships: 
Bennett, Arthur L.  Astronomy 
Cocke, Elton Cromwell  Biology 
deGruchy, John Allan Garfield  Economics 
Ferris, Eugene Beverly, Jr.  Neurology and
Garlick, Richard Cecil, Jr.  French 
Gentile, Antonio  Surgery 
Jarman, Arthur Merritt  Education 
Kinard, Fredrick William  Biochemistry 
Lyman, Dean Belden, Jr.  English 
Phippins, Calvin Hall  Education 
Street, Jabez Curry  Physics 
van de Kamp, Jacob  Chemistry 
von Elbe, Gunther  Chemistry 
Vyssotsky, Emma Williams  Astronomy 
Senior Fellowships: 
Armentrout, Mary Travers  History 
Atwood, Elmer Bagby  English 
Ayres, Henri Philip  French 
Beazley, Virginia Lucille  English 
Eagle, Edward  Physiology 
Eggleston, Joseph DuPuy, Jr.  Economics 
Givens, James Wallace, Jr.  Physics 
Havens, Dorothy Edna  Sociology 
Hess, Margaret  Biology 
Kiracofe, Edgar Stuart  Education 
Wade, Thomas Leonard, Jr.  Mathematics 
Wood, Alvin Graydon  Psychology 
Junior Fellowships: 
Barnes, Mary Helen  English 
Brehme, Katherine Suydam  Biology 
Cochran, Estella Kathryn  Education 
Cox, Mary Jane  Mathematics 
Dellinger, Martin Luther  Education 
Early, Benjamin Weisiger  English 
Estes, James Welford  Chemistry 
Fishburne, Elliott Guthrie  English 
Gibson, Robert Fisher, Jr.  History 
Henneman, Richard Hubard  Psychology 
Land, Kittura Royster  English 
Lewis, Richard, Jr.  English 
Mattingly, Mary Louise  History 
Morrison, Hazel Constance  English 
Powell, Bolling Raines, Jr.  Economics 
Pryor, Helen Gertrude  Latin 
Puckett, William Thomas, Jr.  Mathematics 
Sutherland, Joshua Hoge Tyler  Education 
Tabb, Mary Lee  Latin 
Tate, Leland Burdine  Rural Social Economics 
Uhl, Raymond  Political Science 
Watkins, Irvine Cabell  Geology 
Wright, Phineas Persons  English 
Service Fellowships: 
Atwood, Elmer Bagby  English 
Aylor, Melvin Winfrey  Mathematics 
Ayres, Henri Philip  French 
Bodé, Donald Denby  Chemistry 
Bowman, Harry Guy  Commerce and Business
Brame, Dorothy Dillard  Pharmacology and Materia
Brewer, Dudley Eaton  English 
Broun, Edmund Fontaine, Jr.  Political Science 
Butler, James Madison  English 
Church, Randolph Warner  English 
Cooke, Arthur Louis  English 
Davis, Roy Bryan  Chemistry 
Drake, Leonard Chapman  Chemistry 
Early, Benjamin Weisiger  English 
Eastwood, Eric  Commerce and Business
Fishburne, Elliott Guthrie  Commerce and Business
Flory, Walter Samuel, Jr.  Blandy Farm 
Flynt, Ralph Comer Michael  History 
Gilbert, Chauncey McLean  Biology 
Gildersleeve, Benjamin  Geology 
Graveley, William Henry, Jr.  English 
Gray, Laurence Roderick  Economics 
Hess, Margaret  Biology 
Heyn, Hans Hermann  Blandy Farm 
Hootman, James Albert  Physics 
Howard, Frank Leland  Commerce and Business
Husted, Ladley  Biology 
Justice, John Lyttleton  Chemistry 
Keiley, Philip Preston  Physics 
Leckie, George Gaines  Philosophy 
Leitch, Morris Langhorne  Biology 
Love, Lowrey, Jr.  Chemistry 
Lytton, Marion Randolph  Chemistry 
MacLeod, Malcolm Lorimer  English 
Marshall, Alpheus Royall  Economics 
Meade, Mary Edmunds  Mathematics 
Miller, Edwin DeWitt  Biology 
Moore, Fred Holmsley  Geology 
O'Keeffe, John Jeter  Economics 
O'Kelley, Robert Edgar  Economics 
Palmer, Fred Shank  Chemistry 
Palmer, Susie Chilton  History 
Parrish, Charles Ithamer  Chemistry 
Phillips, Edward LeRoy  Art and Architecture 
Podtiaguine, Michael  Physics 
Puckett, William Thomas, Jr.  Mathematics 
Quarles, Gilford Godfrey  Physics 
Reid, Charles Gordon, Jr.  Spanish 
Richey, Homer Gilmer  Philosophy 
Shiver, John Calhoun  Biology 
Showalter, Hiram Miller  Blandy Farm 
Smith, George Wellington  English 
Spalding, Branch  English 
Stevens, George Raymond  Commerce and Business
Stevenson, Edward Carl  Physics 
Taylor, Robert Joseph  Chemistry 
Thompson, Ralph Rudolph  Latin 
Tiedeman, John Albert  Physics 
Tilghman, Tench Francis  English 
Travis, Emily Elizabeth  Commerce and Business
Uhl, Raymond  Political Science 
van de Kamp, Leonie Augustine  French 
Varner, John Greer, Jr.  English 
Vaughan, Joseph Lee  English 
von Kesseler, Ernst  Blandy Farm 
Wade, Thomas Leonard, Jr.  Mathematics 
Watkins, Irvine Cabell  Geology 
Weedon, William Stone  Mathematics 
Whitaker, Philip Allan  Chemistry 
Whitaker, Thomas Wallace  Blandy Farm 
Wilder, Frank Nahum  Chemistry 
Williams, Roy Marcellus  Economics 
Wirsing, Floyd Henry  Chemistry 
Wood, Alvin Graydon  Psychology 
Wyllie, John Cook  English 
Elizabeth B. Garrett Fellowship: 
Kemp, Catherine de Vaul  Norfolk, Va. 
Bennett Wood Green Fellowships: 
Quynn, William Rogers  Baltimore, Md. 
Shepperson, Archibald Bolling  University, Va. 
Stinespring, William Franklin  University, Va. 
Captain Craig Woodrow MacDonald Memorial Fellowship: 
Schumacher, George Alexander  Indianapolis, Ind. 
John Y. Mason Fellowship: 
Jones, Robert Epes  Blackstone, Va. 
The Rector and Visitors Fellowships: 
Smith, George Wellington  Mifflintown, Pa. 
Spalding, Branch  University, Va. 
William Cabell Rives Fellowship: 
Flynt, Ralph Comer Michael  Washington, Ga.