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Hymn 3.

[Jesu, my hope in life and death]

Jesu, my hope in life and death,
For Thee I spend my latest breath,
Till join'd to those above;
Thy faithful mercies I proclaim,
I sing the glories of the Lamb,
And gasp Thy dying love.
Thy dying love hath seal'd my peace,
Hath made my sins and sorrows cease,
And sweeten'd all my pain:
Thy dying love supports me now;
And lo! with Thee my head I bow,
And die with Thee to reign.


Out of the dust of death I rise,
I feel a life that never dies,
An hidden life Divine,
The earnest of my glorious bliss;
And this is heaven, and only this,
To know my Jesus mine.
Thou art my own, I know Thou art,
I feel Thee, Saviour, in my heart,
My utmost Saviour Thou
Hast seal'd me to redemption's day;
And now I cannot fall away,
I cannot leave Thee now.
Divinely confident I am,
And more than conquer in Thy name
Whate'er my hope withstands;
Upheld by Thee I all break through;
For who can loose Thy grasp? for who
Can pluck me from Thy hands?
Nor death, nor life can now disjoin,
Nor fiends shall tear my spirit from Thine,
Nor height, nor depth shall move,
Nor this, nor any future hour,
Nor all the creature's utmost power
Can part me from Thy love.