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Hymn 1.

God of my life, for Thee I pine,
For Thee I cheerfully decline,
And hasten to decay,
Summon'd to take my place above,
I hear the call, “Arise, My love,
My fair one, come away!”
Obedient to the voice of God,
I soon shall quit this earthly clod,
Shall lay my body down;
The' immortal principle aspires,
And swells my soul with strong desires
To grasp the starry crown.
The more the outward man decays,
The inner feels Thy strengthening grace,
And knows that Thou art mine:
Partaker of my glorious hope,
I here shall after Thee wake up,
Shall in Thine image shine.


Thou wilt not leave Thy work undone,
But finish what Thou hast begun,
Before I hence remove;
I shall be, Master, as Thou art,
Holy, and meek, and pure in heart,
And perfected in love.
Thou wilt cut short Thy work of grace,
And perfect in a babe Thy praise,
And strength for me ordain:
Thy blood shall make me throughly clean,
And not one spot of inbred sin
Shall in my flesh remain.
Dear Lamb, if Thou for me couldst die,
Thy love shall wholly sanctify,
Thy love shall seal me Thine;
Thou wilt from me no more depart,
My all in life and death Thou art,
Thou art for ever mine.