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Dec. 21-27
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Dec. 21-27

Another Sunday without church. Have the service read at home. Also a sermon. Get back to Music Hall on Monday and find Lilly Brown [Sister Betty Brown's daughter] and Tommy Minor [Brother Jim's son] very sick with pneumonia. They get better toward the last of the week. We then begin fixing for the Xmas Tree for the children. Cousins Th[omas] and Lizzie Watson arrive with their five and with the six already in the house, makes quite a bunch. Henry comes down. Finds himself unable to study on account of the above. Xmas Day bright and beautiful-almost as mild as a spring day. Spend the morning fixing for the Tree. We cannot have it on Xmas Eve because the sick children cannot enjoy it. Tomorrow night (26th) is the time now fixed. After dinner Lizzie Dee sends for us to spend the night with her. She has a houseful of young people stopping up with her so we have a merry time. "The Captain" and his company are called out after supper to "hunt geese." [Slave patrollers out looking for wandering slaves.] Friday night the tree is ready and the children are invited into the parlor to see it and receive their presents. All went off well. The youngsters seemed highly delighted with the shipes, dolls, monkeys, candies, etc. I believe it will be a bright spot in the memory of the young ones for some time to come. Saturday we are at the Creek. [Creek Farm is the home of cousins Howel and Sarah Lewis.]